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The Warriors 3 prepared for battle whilst Thor and Nico helped protect citizens. Both groups accomplished much, but the Warriors 3 could not keep the Destroyer at bay for long. Then, Thor jumped into action. Nico's eyes widened as he saw Thor walk towards the Destroyer, offering himself as a sacrifice.

"No." Nico whispered.

"What is he doing?" Jane asked.

"He's sacrificing himself to save you." Nico said solemnly, then his eyes widened, "Mjolnir!" Jane, still in hysterics didn't hear him.

"What about the hammer?" Darcy, as she'd introduced herself, asked.Thor was backhanded. Jane screamed, and Erik held her back from running to Thor. Then, the mentioned hammer came flying towards Thor, and he caught it. Lightning struck the Destroyer, and Thor rose, in full Battle Armor, as the God of Thunder once more.

"YES!" Nico cheered as Thor defeated the Destroyer. After Thor made amends with the citizens and American government, they called for Heimdall, and it took a few minutes, but Heimdall responded. The other Asgardians started towards it. Nico didn't follow.

"Nico?" Volstagg asked, "Are you coming?"

"Even if I go back, the Loki I know died the moment he touched the casket, and fell under it's spell." Nico said solemnly, "And if he does return to his old self, he will hold the memories of what he did to me, and it will pain him to look at me." Their eyes lit up with understanding as he continued, "I was born here, and here I will remain."

"Very well, Nico." Thor smiled sadly, "You have been a valiant warrior, and good ally to the royal family despite our positions. I will see you again, old companion."

"I sure hope so," Nico smiled, but there was a sadness in his eyes, "Your lady friend will probably bombard me with questions the moment you leave. You coming back will be a good distraction."

Thor chuckled, and patted Nico on the back. Unknown to those watching, this was a huge show of companionship and friendship, something Loki had only ever done when they were alone, and Thor was doing in front of quite a few people. He smiled at Nico's surprise, but happy expression.

"Farewell, my friend." With that, the group was gone.

Nico started towards the others, but stopped when he noticed that the Bifrost energy in the sky was... freezing? "Oh no."

"Somethings wrong." Jane said nervously.

Nico watched as the Bifrost energy exploded in the sky. His eyes widened, "No."

"It's gone." Jane gasps. Looks like Thor explained it to her.

Nico stared up at the sky, an expression of mixed emotions on his face. Loki must've tried to freeze another world with the casket through the Bifrost, and Thor, in desperation, had been forced to destroy the Bifrost. Nico knew that Thor's friends would take care of him, and help heal his heart. Thor wouldn't let this hinder him from visiting, but it'd take a while for him to find another way. In the meantime, Nico decided, he would watch Jane. He owed Thor at least that. 

The Asgardian Son of Hades in THOR - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now