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Nico's eyes widened, and he cried out, "Stop! He's not himself! He's being mind controlled! Stop!"

The guards shared uncertain looks, but still dragged him through the halls. The last thing Nico saw before the doors slammed shut was Loki's cold, stony expression. The guards dragged him through the hallways. He struggled at first, but he realized it was no use. He was thrown into the cell wall, and he slid down painfully. He didn't bother to sit up. He curled into a ball, and cried softly. He had failed Loki. He failed his best friend when said friend needed him.

He knew he was good as gone; treason was punishable by death. While he couldn't die, he could still be eternally forced to endure torture as was a common punishment for Asgardian gods. If he was out of the picture, it could be centuries or more before anyone realized Loki wasn't himself.




There was a commotion down the hall, and a small group ran into the room. Nico stood up quickly. Maybe all hope wasn't lost after all.

"Hey Guys!" Nico shouted. They ran towards him, unlocking his cell. Nico bolted out of the room with Sif and the Warriors Three. The group was on their way to find Thor.

"So what happened?" Volstagg asked while they ran.

"I asked Loki not be full of himself." Nico grimaced, "But it turns out Loki's not himself. He's being mind controlled by someone. He realized I knew, and called the guards."

"Oh." Volstagg said dumbly, "We thought he was just being a traitor."

"Loki's a mischief maker, but he's not a bad guy. He's actually extremely kind, and sweet." Nico informed, "When we first met, he was actually sorry for me, and he has always treated me like a human being." Nico sighed, sadness in his eyes, "I just hope that our Loki's still there."

"What do you mean?" Sif asked as they escaped the palace.

"Some forms of mind control aren't reversible. Loki's eyes are blue, which most likely places him in an object's control. If he's been directly influenced by it, we can't bring him back. It's literally impossible, but if it's indirect we just gotta hit him over the head hard enough to knock him out for a few minutes, and when he wakes up he'll be back to normal." Nico caught up to Sif as he said this.

"How do you even know this?" Fendral asked.

"Loki lets me read his magic books. They're quite interesting." Nico shrugged.

"Talk it up later, boys," Sif sighed as they were coming up to the observatory. They noticed Heimdall was gone, but his sword was still activating the controls. Nico smiled; looks like they have an ally.

The group stepped through the Bifrost, and they shot through the transportation light beams. They were on their quest to find Thor. 

The Asgardian Son of Hades in THOR - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now