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They reached earth, landing in the desert. Nico immediately recognized their surroundings while the others appeared confused.

"Earth." Nico gasped. The others turned their gaze on him.

"How do you know these things?" Volstagg asked.

"I'm from Earth, Italy in fact, but I moved to America when I was ten. I know the entire country as well as my own shadow." Nico explained, "The nearest town is that way. Thor's most likely over there. However, assuming what Loki told me was correct, it's only been about 3 to 5 years on earth since I left." They reached the town a few hours later, and, while they got some strange looks, no one really asked questions, with the exception of a few government agents that Volstagg managed to knock out. They, after asking a few questions themselves (and were directed to Jane Foster's residence.

They got to the location, and Volstagg threw open the door, "FOUND YOU!"

Nico facepalmed. The occupants in the room, who were washing dishes, jumped in surprise, and a plate was dropped. Then Thor ran forward, and hugged them. Nico was unnoticed so far.

"My friends!" Thor shouted proudly.

"Who are they?" Darcy asked as they all magically changed into their clothing, courtesy of Nico, though he still went unnoticed.

"Lady Sif and the Warriors Three. Surely you've heard tales of Hogun the Grim, Fandral the Dashing, and I, Volstagg the Svelte?" Volstagg paused, "Well, perhaps I've put on a little more muscle since I was here last."

"That would have been a thousand years ago? Northern Europe?" Jane asked.

Volstagg grinned, "Exactly! Those lovely herring people. They worshipped us!" Thor grinned, laid a hand on Volstagg's shoulder.

"My friends, I've never been happier to see anyone. But you should not have come." Thor sounded sad for some reason.

"We're here to take you home." Sif said firmly.

"You know I can't. My father is dead because of me. I must remain in exile." Thor stated, confusing everyone in the group.

"Thor... your father still lives." Sif explained.

"Did Loki tell you that?" Nico, having changed back into his slave attire, realized the truth.

"Yes." Thor frowned.

"Loki isn't Loki right now." Volstagg said slowly.

"Loki's under mind control..." Nico was cut off by a boom of the Bifrost.

"Was someone else coming?" The only adult mortal woman in the room, Jane Foster, asked.

Then the Bifrost cleared, revealing the Destroyer, a machine created by Odin to attack those the king ordered... and right now, it was after either Thor or the Warriors 3.

The Asgardian Son of Hades in THOR - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now