The beginning

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 Saki was walking to the end of the hall when he saw two people, they were a teacher and a student. he crept up closer to take a better look, he saw that they were both talking and decided to listen in on their conversation.(never do this in real life, it is rude)

"Hachi-san, you know that we can't talk about this at school, you could lose your job if someone finds out" the student complained his face completely red and looking at the person named hachi, when saki looked closer at his face, he immediately recognised him as his history teacher, marinoke-sensei. and then looked over and saw his friend kaoru." it's after hours, kaoru, it's not like anyone else will be around right now." sensei said stroking kaoru's face in a loving way, he backed kaoru up to a wall and said something saki couldn't hear then kissed him. "AHH!"kaoru was looking frantically to his sides to see if anyone else saw and looked at sensei, he had slight tears in his eyes "hachiji-san! what about the class reps?!!?" he said freaking out "oh crap,i forgot about them"he said calmly still stroking kaoru's hair."what do we do?!!?!?!" kaoru said obviously devastated while he covered his face with his hands. sensei grabbed his hands away from his face and moved closer to kaoru's face and said "stop freaking out" sensei said smiling as he kissed him again. and this time kaoru didn't move as sensei pinned his arms to the wall behind them. he instead just kissed him back accepting the fact that there was no way to escape his grasps.sensei slowly slipped his hand to kaoru's back and kaoru let out a high pitched noise, he covered his mouth as sensei stopped and let kaoru go and said "come to my house later, we're having a mini grill,and you are pretty good at cooking, besides i want to continue our little 'talk'." "Hachi! You're so mean!" kaoru whisper shouted as he blushed. THUD. "what was that?" asked kaoru straining his neck to look in saki's direction.

saki stared in shock around the corner, he covered his mouth and heard them start to walk towards where had dropped what he was carrying he quickly started to grab everything , but couldn't get it quickly enough. kaoru looked at him in shock, and asked him quickly "you didn't hear anything right?" with a slightly worried look on his face , sensei walked up behind him and said "how long were you standing there and what did you see." he looked darkly at saki.He answered shakily"i heard and saw all of it" saki felt a large thunk on his head and suddenly everything went dark. Sensei picked him up and kaoru asked "hachi? What are you going to do?" "i'm going put him in one of the janitors' closets and hope he'll wake up and forget what happened." kaoru stared at hachi and slowly said 'i-isn't that a bit harsh? I mean you probably gave him a concussion!" sensei looked down at his shoes and shot his head up suddenly "i have an idea, let's beat the frick out of him and they'll blame it on the 'bad boys' of the school, he gets beat up a lot anyway." hachi said with no expression "he what?!" kaoru said suddenly worried, "he gets beat up a lot, always has." hachi sighed as he dropped saki onto the floor and stood on him "hachi stop!" kaoru said looking at hachi with a despeared look, what if it gets worse?! Could he possibly be dead?!" " nope. He is definitely still alive."

A couple days later saki woke up in a room he didn't recognize for a moment and then realized it was kaoru's. he sat up and looked around seeing old photos of he and kaoru and saw a humungus shelf full of manga , he got up and took a book from the middle shelf and looked at the cover and quickly put it back, grabbed another looked at the cover and then took another and flipped through it. kaoru opened the door to see him flipping pages vigorously and blushing at certain pages. "whatcha doin saki?" kaoru asked as he came up behind him. "WHY THE HECK DO YOU HAVE SO MUCH BL MANGA?!?!!" saki asked him practically yelling, kaoru smiled awkwardly and said "because i like it...anyway, how does your head feel? hachi hit you pretty hard. actually you've been out like a light for the past 3 days..." he continued sheepishly. sensei opened the door and looked at saki then at kaoru and entered the room. as he shut the door sharply and walked over to saki and loomed over him as if he was trying to intimidate him. "sorry i hit you in the head so hard, i only meant to knock you out for a few minutes so i could shove you in a janitor's closet and hope you would forget everything that happened." he said with no expression"how does that make anything better and how can you say that with a straight face!?!?!!" saki yelled at him , "besides, it's lunchtime , and i made jellyfi-" he was saying until saki randomly started singing " jellyfish, jellyfish! I summon thy jellyfish of power and greatness to devour the!" saki said throwing his arms up in the air, sensei and kaoru looked at him and started laughing at him and couldn't stop.

a couple minutes later after the whole jellyfish thing they ate, sensei and kaoru left for a while to go grab some stuff to make dinner later. saki went back up to kaoru's room and started to read the manga he had on his shelf. after a few hours they came back and started to prepare dinner.kaoru came upstairs to find saki reading and entered the room. kaoru tapped saki's shoulder and saki looked at him like he was going to cry. " it's so happyyyyy!" he started bawling and kaoru looked at him in slight surprise and smiled. "i thought you didn't like that kind of thing?" he said with a smile as he patted saki on the head. "I-i didn't...but this stuff is stupidly addicting!" Saki said glaring at him with tears brimming from the corners of his eyes."HEY GUYS! dinners ready!" sensei yelled up the stairs, saki looked at kaoru with a slightly depressed look, "don't worry, it's not poisoned, besides that it's curry." kaoru said grabbing saki's wrist to pull him up off of the floor. A little while after dinner sensei said good night and left. Kaoru pulled out an extra futon from the small closet in the hall and started to lay it out when saki suddenly asked "how long has this been going on?" kaoru looked at him in slight surprise and blushed, "ever since the beginning of school..." saki looked up "so roughly 4 months ay" kaoru continued to set up the futon as saki started ask a bunch of questions." who asked who?" kaoru answered knowing that he had no hope to revolt his best friend. "Actually it was hachi who asked me..." saki stared in a bit of surprise at kaoru and said slowly, "wow so it was the teacher who made the move this time around.." "yeah, although he kinda surprised me when he said it though..." saki looked out the window as it started to rain. "You know i don't think that you should even talk to sensei out of school, much less date him..." "saki, i love him, and i can't help that! And finally i found someone who doesn't ignore me!" kaoru yelled as he started to stand up,"I DON'T IGNORE YOU! WHAT? DO I NOT EXIST? AM I JUST THE SIDE CHARACTER THAT EVERYONE JUST NEGLECTS!? AM I THAT UNIMPORTANT TO YOU?! Saki screamed as he broke down into tears..."i seem weak to you right now don't i?" saki said a he started to stand up and headed towards the bedroom's door. At that moment the doorbell rang. Saki went down the stairs and opened it to see his older brother standing there on the brink of tears as he entered the house. As he took off his shoes and entered the kitchen, saki asked "onii-chan...why are you here?" "well i'm here because you haven't been home for the past 4 days." mikaru answered, starting to cry. "Ahh! Calm down mikaru! I'm sorry, i should have told you i was staying at kaoru's house for a little while." saki said attempting to calm his older brother down before he broke into tears. "The only reason i found out that you were here was because a little while earlier i saw your sensei coming out of the house and i happened to be walking by! He saw me and said that you were still unconscious but he wouldn't tell me why, but i'm glad you're awake now!" mikaru said as he wiped tears from his eyes. Kaoru suddenly came down stairs to see mikaru and saki in the hall "i thought you were leaving saki?" he said with a straight face and started smiling " i'm glad you didn't though...there is something i want to ask you..." kaoru grabbed saki by the arm and half dragged saki up the stairs. "Kaoru! I'm sorry about my outburst earlier..." "that is fine but i want to ask you something." kaoru pulled saki closer and pinned him to a wall behind him. "Saki, how have you thought of me up until now?" kaoru said as he got really close to saki's face. " i've always thought of you as my friend, nothing less!" saki said quickly as he could trying to slide down to get away but kaoru grabbed his chin and held him up to the wall " i mean in a romantic kind of way. What do you think of me?" saki started to turn red as he answered " wh-what do you mean kaoru?" saki asked as kaoru held his arms to the walls. Down stairs mikaru heard a thump and decided to go up stairs to make sure everything was okay, he heard talking and sat on the stairs to listen and he was writing down what they were saying "k-kaoru why?! I've always loved you as a friend, nothing more!" "of course you would never understand my true motive of getting close to you" kaoru whispered in saki's ear. he heard as saki started to cry. sensei opened the door and was  taking off his shoes and heard a scream from upstairs, he ran upstairs to see mikaru holding a knife dripping with fresh blood sliding off the edges of the blade and kaoru sobbing on the floor with saki's cold dead body in his hands, hachi stared at mikaru in shock as mikaru dropped the knife onto the floor. He slowly turned his head to look at hachi, he smiled at him and started to laugh as tears rolled down the sides of his face, holding what seemed to be a giant chunk of flesh that had been torn from saki's side. Hachi quickly grabbed kaoru, who was frozen as he held his best friends body and ran as fast as he could.

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