the battle

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Mikaru took his chance and launched himself at kaoru, hoping to land a clear jab, but kaoru dodged and went behind him, inserting his claw like nails into the back of mikaru's neck and slammed him on the floor, ripping small bits of flesh off as he tore his hand out of the wound he had just created. Mikaru gasped in pain and fell to the ground, tearing pieces of cloth off of the bodies around him and made a makeshift bandage to go around his neck, afterwards he got up and propelled himself, jumping with the blade at kaoru's neck, ready to slice it and make kaoru pay for what he had done to his family. Kaoru ducked and grabbed mikaru's leg, snapping it in the process. "See, i told you it wouldn't work, miku-kun." "n-no, only saki was allowed to call me that" "well he's gone now, so i'll take his place for you" "NEVER!" mikaru shouted managing to land a punch on kaoru's face. "Oh my miku, you finally managed to get a on me" kaoru chuckled, rubbing his cheek "you are not going to take his place kaoru, you never will" miku said breathing heavily as he heard sirens in the background, kaoru sighed and turned towards miku and scooted up to him, this has been fun, miku, but i must go now" kaoru grabbed miku by the jaw, the sound of crunching resonated in the back of the street, and tossed him onto the wall, "we will meet again, and i will be keeping a close eye on you, so don't go telling anybody about this, or i take more lives of your allies." kaoru climbed the stairs and looked over his shoulder with a huge smile plastered to his face. "And i would take their advice, try not to get caught." kaoru jumped off of the stairs and ricochet himself on the walls, disappearing  from sight. The sound of sirens got closer as miku started to feel the effects of the wounds. The noises and loud sounds had made it hard for him to think, everyone was either around him or by his side, asking questions with only few realizing his jaw was severely crippled.

At some point the news about the murder of saki, hachi, and the gang members got around with everyone suspicious of miku and miku only. Nearly every hour was full of police questioning and reporters pressing him for what happened. Due to the fact that he was related to all of the murders, he was at the scene of each crime and he had known each person to an extent. He was tired and depressed, the pressure was getting to him, then one day, he snapped.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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