part four: mikaru's point of view

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Mikaru woke up to several men shaking him with worried faces and terrified shouts. He sat up and tried to process what was happening around him and stared at his hands, seeing that this was most likely what they were freaking out about. He opened his mouth to speak when a sudden thud from up stairs and the head guy signaled two of them to stay and the rest to go up with him. Mikaru, still trying to figure out what was going on, turned his head to the side and gasped, the two that were there turned their heads. The bulkier one asked "what?" with a expression of terror as he stared at mikaru. "Wh-where's hachi's body? I-i had right next to me!!" he stood up and walked around the room picking up objects to see where it went. "What do you mean kid? When we got here you were passed out by yourself." the other guy turned over and realized something "wait a minute!" he looked at mikaru and asked "are you on the run because you killed somebody?!" mikaru stared at his feet swallowing his tears."th-this is the blood of my younger brother and his teacher. they were both killed by my little brother's friend, who is most likely the person upstairs at this moment, the body i was talking about was the teacher." he looked darkly into the men's eyes as he said the last part. "You see, that kid upstairs is a serial killer who enjoys the taste of his victim's flesh" the two guys blinked back in horror as they processed the words that had been spoken at that moment. The slimer one ran to the base of the stairs and shouted "b-boss!! Get away from there!! There is a killer up there!!!" and the heavy footsteps of multiple grown men sounded off as they rushed down. "Well that would explain this sack" the person mikaru presumed to be the ringleader held up a medium-ish sized cloth bag. One of the others poked the bag and blood dripped out and the leader dropped the sack and kicked it towards mikaru, who immediately opened it and put his hand over his mouth and started to cry. "Are you okay kid?" the bulky guy asked him. Mikaru looked at him and quickly closed the bag, putting his hand over his mouth, realizing the contents were hachi's flesh, freakishly cold and wet, soaked with sticky blood sliding around the insides of the sack. The head guy stared, terrified that if he moved the contents of the bag would come to life and turn into a terrifying monster of sorts. "This is the guy that i was talking about least this was him..." mikaru said as he threw the sack aside. "I should probably go, i am being hunted by the cops right now anyway. I don't want to drag you guys into it..." mikaru said quietly as he descended the stairs to exit the building. "Wait, kid" mikaru turned around to see the leader holding something. "Try not to get caught" he said smiling, tossing a trench coat to mikaru, who immediately put it on and nodded,walking into the alleyway, when a metallic sounding thump hit the stairs. Mikaru turned around suddenly and his eyes widened as he saw the men's bodies roll down the stairs with kaoru on the top of them, laughing at the weakness of his victims. "Wow, just wow. These are the weakest thugs i've ever seen!" he jumped off of their backs and landed a couple meters in front of mikaru. "No, not again..."mikaru said quietly under his breath as kaoru walked towards him waving around the arms he had torn from the sides of the people he had slaughtered. "We meet again so soon. Well, truthfully, i was watching you closely." kaoru said laughing quietly, still twirling the arms playfully. Mikaru stared in horror, but managed a blank expression after a second. "Oh? Finally gotten a hold of your feelings, have you?" kaoru stood barely centimeters away from mikaru. "I haven't gotten hold of them, i just realized my instinct of hatred before was correct all along." kaoru bursted out laughing and held the limbs loosely, mikaru took his chance and snagged the arms so he could use them as weapons, but dropped one after he spotted a long blade protruding from one of the men's jackets. Picking up the blade he readied himself for the battle that was soon to come in a few seconds. "Prepare yourself kaoru, i won't go easy on you" mikaru said with determination. kaoru stared at him and held back laughter with as much force as he could "y-you think you can beat me with a tiny blade and an arm of a comrade? That is a new form of stupid right there!!" kaoru said clutching his stomach and gasping for air, choking from trying to not laugh at mikaru's comment.

to be continued in the next chapter!! 

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