Chapter 2: tokyo hachi/kaoru/saki(?)'s point of view

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Hachi was running out of breath as continued running with saki dead in his arms and kaoru on his back. The people on the sidewalk were turning in surprise and staring as hachi ran as fast as could. Suddenly a man walking out of a shop came out and acting like a deer in headlights as hachi jumped over him, the crowd around them started to thicken as he ran faster kaoru still weeping on his back and saki's body getting colder by the second. Hachi was starting to realize that someone must have called the police because soon he had several men in uniform chasing him as he raced to the nearest hospital. Thinking that his shoes were slowing down him down he kicked them off and accidentally wiped 2 cops from his tail, hachi tried to go faster as several more people started to chase him. It started to rain as he ran with saki's blood starting splatter as he relieved his hand from the wound. Hachi continued running as more and more people started chasing them when he finally lost it and screamed "can't you idiots see that i'm trying to get these kids to a hospital?!one of them is in the middle of dying and the other is passed out in shock of witnessing the murder of his freaking best friend!" he started running again, this time faster than before. After a few minutes he realized that no one was following him anymore. Saki's body was getting colder and paler and was most likely already dead, but had hope of still saving him by the time they got to the hospital, he kicked the doors open soaked in saki's blood as it dripped onto the floor, the wound only letting loose surges of blood as the secretary at the desk stood up and called for as many free nurses and doctors and nurses available , as soon as they brought out a life support system and handed over saki's body, and struggled to stand, but failed and passed out. A few hours later he woke up and looked around the room recognizing it as the waiting room of the hospital. He spotted kaoru in the corner, clutching his knees in terror when one of the doctors came in and said "i'm sorry...he had died about roughly half an hour before you got him here..the wound was very deep and we would've had no hope of connecting the segments of skin back together, another factor is that he was missing half of one of his lungs, i am surprised that he lasted even a few minutes after a piece of one of his most vital organs were torn out..." just then hachi had a flashback to what he saw mikaru holding and realized that what he was holding...hachi fell onto his knees and held the sides of his head in terror as he screamed starting to cry, slamming his head onto the floor. Kaoru got up, grabbed hachi by the ankle and went out of the hospital's nearest exit, As soon as they got out the door kaoru grabbed hachi by the arm, pulled him up and pulled him to eye level. He stared coldly into hachi's eyes and started to laugh in a demonic way, his eyes seeming more and more bloodthirsty as he pushed hachi against a wall and grabbed his throat, slowly unsheathing a small knife from the inside of his jacket and putting it up to hachi's neck "well looks i get to feast well tonight don't i?" kaoru said with the look of a starving demon craving to feed again. "What are you saying kaoru?" hachi said with an equally cold stare. " i'm personally surprised hachi, you aren't breaking into tears like saki did" kaoru said starting to grin creepily as few people passed the narrow alleyway. "I just don't understand" hachi said still glaring at him as cold as ever. Kaoru just stared at him as he stuck the knife into hachi's stomach, slowly twisting it, making the hole deeper and intensifying the pain by times 10. Hachi winced at the pain but attempted not to show how much it was starting to hurt as he dug the knife deeper into his flesh, blood staining hachi's skin a dark scarlet color. Kaoru ripped the blade suddenly out of the gash, causing it to tear several small chunks of flesh out of hachi's body. He started to and inserted his claw like nails and tore it from the rest of his neck and ripped it off, making it to where hachi couldn't speak or yell for help of any kind. instead of the blood coming from his mouth, it started to spray from the open wound on his neck, kaoru grabbed hachi's wrists and started to slit them with the knife. Hachi was starting to fade, knowing that he was going to die and that there was no hope of surviving, hachi asked " were the one that killed saki weren't you...." "oh hachi sensei is starting to figure it out, isn't he? But don't worry, mikaru will pass this alleyway soon, pick up the knife and at the same time the police will find him here with the knife, causing him to be a fugitive, while i go on a killing spree and it will all be blamed on poor mikaru..." hachi was sparsely breathing and struggled to say this alone " why do you do this kaoru?" kaoru quickly answered "well i enjoy seeing the pain and suffering in my victims' eyes as i slowly tear their skin apart and stick a searing knife into their flesh, listening to them scream in pain, sadly i couldn't do that with saki, with mikaru around, so i had to kill him swiftly." hachi looked at him in disbelief and felt a shiver of cold descend his spine. " you've lasted a lot longer than most of my prey, hachi" "i-i don't understand seemed like such a nice kid..." "well looks can be deceiving my friend." kaoru coldly smiled as hachi stopped breathing..." it was nice knowing you hachiji-san, but i must go now, don't worry though, mikaru will be here soon..." hachi became limp as kaoru dispersed into the shadows, at that moment mikaru passed the alleyway and noticed hachi's body with a knife stuck into his arm and the entirety of his left leg missing..."h-hachi...he got you too..." mikaru grabbed the knife and held it wiping the blood off of the it, when a young boy looked in the alleyway to see a dead body with a tall man with blood stained clothes holding a knife glistening with blood dripping, the kid started to cry and his mother looked in the alleyway, and screamed, causing a large crowd to gather around the small space, several people calling the cops, and starting to cry. Mikaru saw a fence and picked up hachi's body, soaking him in his blood. He ran for the fence and jumped it, leaving puddles of blood flowing behind him as he whispered to himself "i can't believe he got you too hachi...i knew we shouldn't have trusted him..." he set down hachi's body in a dark building, letting the blood spill..." i swear on my life, hachiji-san...i will kill kaoru and avenge you and saki." he curled his fists and screamed "I WILL AVENGE YOUR DEATHS! I WILL FIND YOU KAORU! A-and i will destroy you...." he felt light in the head and slumped to the floor beside hachi and fell asleep...

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