Chapter 10

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I wake up and ev is starting to wake up now.

"Ev. Thank god"

"Hi baby. I'm fine. Just roughed up" she says in her sleepy voice.

"Good to hear"

"Aww were you worried about me?" She asks

"Of course I was! I was worried about both of you" I pat her stomach." I almost passed out again" I joke.
We laugh.

Then the doctor comes in.

"Hello ms Richardson how's the rib?"

"It's better doc,thank you"

"No problem. It's what I do" he laughs "were gonna check on the dressing and we will let you know based on that when you can go home."

We both nod.

He lays the bed down and lifts up the hospital gown up to Check her rib bandage.

He wipes it clean and changes the dressing.

"You can leave today. We are going to send a visiting nurse to check on it and change the dressing properly for you"

"Um sir. Could I do it?" I ask. "I'm a firefighter. I have full medical training. and we also live with a paramedic"

"Oh I had no idea. Of course You and the paramedic both can do it as long as your both certified. I'll show you exactly how we do it"

He shows me and I have done the exact thing before actually.

"Cool. I got it"

He send us home with 4 of the bandages,some antibacterial wipes,and some healing ointment. In a bag.


Ev outs her clothes back on and we walk to the car.

She looks like she's struggling to breathe and walk all at the same time with her injured rib.

"Hey. Let me carry you"

I swoop over and carry her baby style to the car and set her in a buckle her up.

We drive home and she wanted a smoothie from Starbucks.

We go through the drive through. And she gets a small banana smoothie and I get a small coffee smoothie thing. Kinda like a coffee coolatta from dunkins.

"Thanks babe" she says.

"No problem. After all this is our special place" I smile.


"We had our first kiss inside a Starbucks remember" I say.

"Oh yeah. Wow I didn't think you'd remember that"

"Why because I'm a guy?"

"Yeah basically." She laughs.

"Well I'm pretty good at remembering stuff like that"

We hold hands on the way home.

I'm so happy she's with me.

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