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"You're late." I say as I open up my front door for Mathew.

"Only five minutes." Mat says as we walks through the front door and into my place. As he looks around, I double check that I have everything then slip on my jacket.

"Come on rule breaker, we're gonna be late if you don't hurry up." I say to Mat making him stop looking around.

"Rule breaker? How am I a rule breaker?" Mat asks confused.

"Rule number one on Mathew and Eden's contract, Mathew will not be late when picking up Eden for work." I say rolling my eyes at the boy in front of me.

"I'm five minutes late!" Mat complains making me roll my eyes.

"Whatever, let's go." I say as I step out of the apartment first and Mat follows.

"So, where exactly do you see Elle most of the time?" I ask as the two of us walk into the elevator.

"It's not ever an exact place, It's just always around. Like when I go to the mall, she's shopping. When I get food, suddenly she's craving the exact same food." Mat say sighing.

"And this bothers you because?"

"Because, because we always end up getting back together after we see each other again. the guys always make fun of me saying I'm hooked." Mat starts and I scoff.

"You are." I say.

"I'm not."

"Whatever floats your boat."

"Anyways, this time we're not getting back together. I'm gonna show everyone I'm not hooked and that I don't need her." Mat says as the elevator dings, telling us that we're on the main floor.

"But why did you need me to do this?" I ask.

"Well, since you and I are close friends-" Mat starts.

"Were." I cut him off.

"Were close friends, we shouldn't have any problem with getting too serious." Mat says making me roll my eyes.

"And I'd pick you over any other girl that wants me for the money." Mat ends making me feel proud.

The two of us then walk in silence towards Mat's car. I open up my door and I slide right in. My feet is surrounded my empty water bottles and I laugh.

"You are still a slob? Even after all these years?" I question as I pick up some water bottles and shove them into my bag to throw out later.

"Somethings never change." Mathew says as I pull out a wet wipe and I start to clean his dashboard.

"What then hell do you even do here to make it this dirty?" I ask as I lift up the now brown wet wipe.

"I'm a hockey player Eds, what do you expect?" Mats says as he pulls out of the parking garage and out onto the street.

"You're right." I sigh as I watch whats going on outside.

"Remember that one hockey player you dated? What's his face, Connor Rodes?" Mat says laughing causing me to groan.

"Ugh, don't remind me of him." I say shaking my head.

Connor was a hockey player that played at our high school. Him and Mat were pretty big enemies. Connor always smelt a little weird, but he was really cute. The two of us ended up dating, until Mathew talked to him and punched him in the face. Then, I never heard from him since.

"He always smelt a little off." Mat tells me.

"I know. And you punch that guy, asshole." I  say and she shrugs.

"He deserved it."

"What did he even do to you?"

"Don't worry about it." Mat says smirking.

Silence then falls betweens us, and I notice that country music is playing.

"You're joking, right." I say.

"About what?" Mat asks and my eyes widen.

"Country music! Don't tell me you're a fan of country music now." I say shaking my head as I skip the song, only for another country song to come on.

"Yes, in deed I am ma'am" Mat says in a horrible country accent.

"This car ride will be the death of me." I say under my breath as Mat put the volume louder.

"What was that?" Mat says.


"You sure? So you won't mind if I sing along?"

"NO! DON-"

"IF IT'S MEANT TO BE, IT'LL BE, IT'LL BE, BABY JUST LET IT BE!" Mathew sings at of the top of his lungs making me cringe as I plug my ears.

"Kill me now."

Contract: Mathew BarzalWhere stories live. Discover now