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Mathew walks through his front door and sees a sleeping Eden on his couch. Mathew begins to laugh to himself when he spots Eden hugging an empty ice cream container as if it was a teddy bear. It's just a little bit past 1 am, and the boys had just dropped Mathew off at his place.

Mathew then slips off his shoes and jacket and quietly makes his way over to Eden. He slowly takes away the empty box and places it on the coffee table. Mathew then places one arm under Eden's legs and the other behind her back. In one swift motion, Mathew then picks up Eden bridal style and takes her into his bed. After he tucks Eden into the bed, he decides to get himself ready for bed.

Once Mathew was all clean and only in his boxers, he begins to make his way out of the room with a pillow in his hand, ready to sleep on the couch.

"Mat, you can sleep in here ya know." A sleepy Eden says snuggling deeper into the comforter.

"oh uh, okay." Mathew says as he walk to the opposite side of the bed from Eden and gets in under the bed. Then within seconds, the two of them were asleep.


"Ughhh" Mathew says as the doorbell wakes him up from his sleep.

Mathew then looks down at the extra body next to him. Eden looks like she's sleeping, but secretly she's been awake for a while, just watching Mathew peacefully sleep. Eden's face is snuggled into Mathew's chest and Mathew's arm is around her petit waist.

Mathew then places a quick kiss on Eden's head before getting up from the bed to answer the door. Eden's heart begins to beat faster as she wonders, what is he doing to me?

Once Mathew reaches the door, he opens it up and Elle is right outside the door. Mathew then suddenly feels self conscious as Elle stares at his bare chest.

"Matty, I've missed you so much." Elle says as she tries to walk into the house, but Mathew stands taller making Elle stop.

"Well, I don't feel the same." Mathew replies rolling his eyes.

"Come on baby, you can't possibly like that girl you're with." Elle says as she tries to place her hand on Mathew's chest but Eden is quick to jump in.

Eden's arms are suddenly wrapped around Mathew's waist as she hugs him from the back.

"Is there a problem here?" Eden asks as she places a soft kiss on Mathew's shoulder, making Elle's blood boil. Mathew then takes in a quick gulp as he feels Eden's hands roaming around really low on his waist.

"No, not at all." Elle says glaring right at Eden as she then stomps away. Mathew then shuts the door and Eden pulls away from him.

"She's so clingy." Eden says shaking her head as she walks over to the kitchen and grabs a glass.

"Where are your pants?" Mathew asks pointing at Eden who's only wearing Mathew's hoodie.

"It would make a better effect if Elle saw me like this, then it would imply that we ha-"

"Okay, okay that's enough I get it." Mathew says shaking his head as Eden drinks water from her glass. Mathew then walks over to the washroom in his room.

"Hey, you should be thanking me!" Elle says as she follows him into his room and grabs her jeans from before.

"Thank you, you came just at the right time." Mathew says as he walks out of his washroom with his toothbrush in his mouth. He then picks up his shorts from the floor and slips them on as Eden buttons her jeans.

"I mean that was apart of the deal, I'll be there whenever you need me." Eden starts as she grabs the sweat pants and starts to fold them.

"Now I need you to drop me off at home." Eden says as Mathew walks out of the washroom yawning.

"Okay, let's go." Mathew says.

"Are you gonna put a shirt on?" Eden asks as she follows Mathew to the front door.

"Nope." Mathew says smirking as he slips on his slides and gabs his keys making Eden roll her eyes as she slips on her heels.

"Now come on princessa, let's get you back to your castle." Mathew says as he opens the door for Eden. She then steps outside first and Mathew places his hand on her lower back. Mathew then leads Eden to the car and opens her door for her. Eden then starts to become curious to why Mathew is acting to happily.

"Why are you so happy today?" Eden asks as Mathew gets into the car and starts to drive.

"I don't know, I just feel like it." Mathew says as we drive off.


"What are you guys doing here?" Eden asks Joah, Jackson and Turner who are all in her living room.

Mathew had just dropped Eden off at her house and has driven away back to his place. The two will see each other later.

"The questions is, who was that guy?" Turner asks talking about Mathew.

"Uh, no-no one." Eden stutters as she puts away her jacket and slips off her shoes.

"Honey, you sure?" Jonah asks smirking at her friend.

"He's hot as fuck." Turner says making Eden laugh.

"Was that Mathew? Thee Mathew?" Jonah asks and Eden nods her head yes, making Jonah smirk.

"He looks good." Jonah replies.

"He's not all that." Eden says rolling her eyes and blushing.

"Dude, he's hotter than me, that says a lot." Jackson says making Eden roll her eyes.

"First off, I'm dating him so hands off." Eden says pointing at Turner who puts his hands up in surrender.

"And second, we didn't hook up. We just watched movies all night last night." Eden says as she walks into her bedroom to change.

"Thats code for fucking." Turner says making Eden gasp.

"Fuck off! We didn't have sex!" Eden yells from her room.

"Poor guy." Jackson says and Eden shakes her head.

I hate these people.

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