Chapter 1

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Grayson's POV

I could tell that most people didn't recognize me as I walked into school on that dreadful Monday morning.

My muscles were showing through my tight V-neck tee, catching people's attention. My usual light blonde hair has dyed a dark brown. The only thing that could identify me as myself were my grey eyes. The color seemed to be off putting to most, but I loved them, they make me unique.

I was wandering around the halls, ignoring all the stares of wonder and lust I was receiving. I had never had this kind of attention before. It was generally looks of disgust and hatred. I felt unnerved, genuine discomfort at their gazes trained on me. Is this really all that mattered to these people? An attractive guy with muscle?

I soon found Carl's hiding place, hoping to have someone treat me the same as before. Having a little bit of familiarity is always nice in this confusing world. It was a small closet under the stairs. The entrance was behind the main stairwell, making it fairly unknown.

"Well don't you look different Mr. Haskell." I heard my best friends deep voice, causing me to turn around and look at him.

"Carl!" I jumped forward to hug him. "How was camp?"

"Boring without you. Sometimes I regret telling you my idea. I mean I haven't seen my best friend in months." Carl exaggerates, throwing his hands in the air.

I laughed at the frustration in his voice. "Well I'm here to annoy you for another year my friend."

"I don't know if that's the best idea. I mean outside of lunch in our private spot." He gestures to the space around us. We had discovered this place our freshman year, it's how we escaped the bullies. For me, I had been lucky, but Car not so much. He was a short kid, who looked rather dorky. And unfortunately for him, he was overweight, and the school would not let him forget.

"Why not?" I asked with a small frown. We had always hung out at school. The only days we spent apart were when either of us were sick or on vacation. I mean, he was my best friend.

"That would kind of ruin the whole point of you being a popular jock. If you haven't noticed, I don't fit the mold of a jock." He gestured down to his pudgy form. He had always been big for his age, even when he was a young kid.

"I wish it didn't matter. Why can't everyone just get along? If they knew who you really were they would all love you." I gave him a small pout before laughing and ruffling his hair.

We sat there and talked until the bell rang for our first class. I knew we wouldn't see each other until lunch, if then. I had to listen to his plan, I couldn't ruin everything, as hard as it might be to avoid my friends. I didn't want to surround myself with the jocks and popular girls. I wanted people I could have an intellectual conversation with, not a bunch of imbeciles.

"Good luck in your new life Gray, see you soon." He smiles and waved, skipping away to his first class.

I laughed and watched as he left me before heading off to my first class of the day, Physics.

"Hello class, I'm Dr. Montes and welcome to physics. I'm not one for introductions so let's just take attendance and get started." He pulled out the class chart and started to call out our names.

"Tamara Bonnie?"

"Here!" A blonde haired girl in the back called out. Tamara was the Queen Bee, the cheerleading captain, the princess of the school. She had probably dated every guy that steps into the gym willingly.

The teacher droned on a few more names before calling mine out.

"Grayson Haskell?"

"Here." I raised my hand, noticing all the people who looked at me in surprise.

I guess they didn't recognize me. The plan is working so far.

Once he was finished with the attendance and handed us a beginners packet a jock came up to me.

"You new here? I've never seen you around." His blonde hair pushed away from his green eyes. I knew him. He was the most popular guy in school, Adrian Green. The man was a real Adonis, anyone who came in contact with him, no matter what their interest was, would have their breath taken away.

"Uh, yeah. I just moved here a few weeks ago." Carl and I had decided that I would pretend to be new, so when people didn't recognize me it wouldn't raise any suspicion. Well, as long as everything worked according to plan.

"You look like you could use some friends, how about you join us at lunch?" He gave me his famous smirk.

"Sure." I nodded and gave him a small smile. If I was going to be one of them I should at least act the part.

He stayed silent for a few seconds. "One of us will come and find you at lunch."

"You don't even know my classes." I gazed up at him, staring into a sea of green.

"We have our ways." His smirks returned before he walked away without another word.

AN: The first few chapters will be short.

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