Chapter 2

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As they walked through New York City, the fresh air made Charlotte feel a little better.

After about four blocks, Jane turned to look at her friend and see if she was still feeling okay.

"Are you okay to walk? My doctor is not that far but if you want we can take a cab..."

"No, I'm fine. I just feel so weird and it's been a week."

"Do you feel like that only during the morning?" Jane asked.

Charlotte nodded. Jane kept silent a few minutes before asking her an interesting question.

"Have you thought about being pregnant?"

Pregnant? She never thought about that. It could be possible. It has been five months now. It could be time for the Barton family to have a new member.

"I never thought about that... But I still have my period."

"It can happen sometime. Don't worry, Charlotte. The doctor will tell you if you really are pregnant or if it's just a bug." She replied, rubbing Charlotte's back gently, seeing her face go white.

"Bu...But what if Clint isn't ready for a baby? What if he stop loving me? What if I..."

"Hey... HEY! Stop!" Jane said louder, grabbing her arms and stopping her in her tracks. "Clint would never, never ever stop loving you for giving him a child, Charlie. It's the miracle of life." She added, looking deep into her friend's eyes. "And Thor is always telling me how much Clint wants a child. It seems like Clint talks to him almost every single day about how he would love seeing you caring for his babies. Your child. To both of you. So I think Clint is ready for a family." She held her arm carefully and started walking. " Oh and he told Thor that he already bought some baby clothes but he didn't want you to see them so he's hiding them in the vents, the only place he goes and knows that you won't."


"Yes. Don't you worry. I'm sure that when you tell him you're pregnant, he will be so happy, you will see sparkles in his eyes. Just like Thor when I told him I was expecting."

Charlotte sighed to release all the worries.

They were almost at the clinic when her cellphone rang. She looked at the name on the screen.

"It's Clint. What should I say?"

"Just talk to him normally. We're not even sure you're pregnant yet. And it's better if you tell him in person if you really are."

"Hey, Clint..." Charlotte answered the call.

"Hey. Are you feeling better now? Have you seen the doctor yet? Thor told me Jane went with you."

"It could be better. No, we are not there yet. And yes, I called her after you went to work because I'm not sure if I can go on with my fear alone. You know?"

"But you're not alone. I told you I can go with you if you wanted..."

"I know but I didn't want you to ask for a day off. And I think it's better if Jane comes with me. I don't want you to see me like this."

"Alright then... Be safe and let me know if anything's wrong." Clint replied, sadly.

"I promise, Clint."

"You know, I think Jane is trying to starve Thor because he's already hungry. And it's only nine in the morning." She heard Thor saying something in the back. "Hum... I won't even repeat what he just said. So what do you think about going out for dinner with Thor and Jane?"

"I say it's a great idea. Jane's telling me we're there so I'll call you back when I'm done, ok?"

"Great." He claimed. "Charlotte..."


"You know I love you right?"

"Of course I do. And I love you too..."

"Okay then, see you soon."


She hung up the phone and looked desperate.

"See, it wasn't so hard."

"You didn't hear his voice. He was so upset."

"It's ok. You'll be fine. It's just a doctor after all."

"Yes, but for me, doctors are evil. By the way your husband is hungry, Clint thinks you're starving him. I think I am too."

"What? You try to starve your husband too?" Jane laughed.

"No. Hungry." Charlotte finally smiled.

"But he ate breakfast. Damn it, Thor. He ate the whole box of strawberry poptarts... We're here." Jane said and turned to her friend. "Are you ready?"

"Yes. Let's do this..." She answered, looking up at the banner. It was written: Lenox Hill Hospital.

They walked inside, Jane holding Charlotte's hand for support.

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