Fifty Eight

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I just spent like 2hrs typing this chapter up on my phone. I'm currently on Easter break and I got 4 days off so why not? Anyway, ik there's prolly hella typos. Ignore them and enjoy this chapter.


"Bae." I felt someone tapping my butt while I laid on my stomach, sleeping.

"Baeeee. Get up." I felt a nudge.

"Leave me alone." I grumbled and rolled over on my side, trying to get comfortable.

"Come on ma'am. We got somewhea' to go."

"Can we go later?" I whined.

"No. A shuttle coming to pick us up in an hour."

I stretched and then sat up. "If it's coming in an hour, why you just now waking me up?"

"Girl getcho' ass in the shower." August chuckled.

I climbed out of bed, and kissed him on his lips, before strolling over to my suitcase for a outfit.

"Where we going?" I questioned.

He looked at me with a blank face.

"What? I need to know what to wear." I giggled.

"Put on anything." He shrugged. "You can always change again."

"Ugh, you're so annoying." I said while heading to the bathroom.

"But you luv me though." He shot back.

I took a quick shower and changed into a crochet bralette, some ripped blue jeans and tan sandals.

I took a quick shower and changed into a crochet bralette, some ripped blue jeans and tan sandals

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"You look cute, bae." August complimented while he grabbed his suitcase and one of mine.

"Thanks, baby. " I smiled. "You got everything?" I asked while putting my phone in my pocket. I then grabbed my carry on bad and my smaller suitcase.


"So this hotel room was only for one night?" I asked as we rode down stairs in the elevator.

"Yea. It's the one they recommended for a honeymoon night. It served it's purpose." He smirked at me.


We waited outside for like five minutes before a couple white shuttles that read "Anthony's Key" parked in front of us.

They were taking different sets of passengers to different places. Some were going back to the airport.

 Some were going back to the airport

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