Just Another Day

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Miles Cavat got onto the aircraft, his security guards making sure no one came even near him, just like his stepfather ordered. It was extremely crowded, but because of his family name, he was able to go to a higher deck which had less people.

"Is that Miles Cavat?" "That's Quinn's son!" "Do you think he knows anything?" "He's just 14." A few people whispered, and others tried to approach him, but his security made a tight square around him.

While he walked, his silver eyes scanned all the people in the aircraft, looking for a familiar face. 'This is the district where she lives. She should be on this aircraft.' Miles thought to himself. He looked to his secretary. "Amra, I want you to go to the control room and ask them to make an announcement on behalf of me." Miles ordered, and the tall girl nodded. "What do you want me to say?" "Ask them to have Blaise and Aubrey Malyn come to the top deck." Miles answered, and Amra gave him a inquiring look. "I just want to make sure they come with me." He whispered, and she walked away.

Amra passed through the crying children and the injured, trying to make her way to the control room. "Excuse me, pardon me. Sorry-" She bumped into a girl that was slightly shorter than her, with the same amber eyes. The girl quickly pushed past Amra and kept walking, and Amra did the same, walking to the door of the control room.

She knocked a few times, and a woman opened the door. "Hi, I've come because I wanted to make an announcement-" The woman immediately began to close the door on her, but Amra held it open. "Do you know how many people want to make an announcement? If I let you make one then everyone's gonna-" "It's on behalf of Miles Cavat." Amra interrupted, and the woman opened the door. "Oh, yes of course. I'm so sorry about that." She said, and Amra walked in.

"The intercom is right there." The brunette pointed to the phone, and Amra picked it up. "Blaise and Aubrey Malyn, if you are on this aircraft please come to the control room. Again, Blaise and Aubrey Malyn, if you are on this aircraft, please come to the control room." She put the phone down, thanked the woman, then left, returning to Miles.

After about half an hour, the couple showed up in front of the control room where Amra and Miles were not so patiently waiting. Blaise had an extremely pissed of expression, and Aubrey had tear stains on her cheek.

"It's been a while hasn't it?" Miles declared, breaking the silence. Aubrey looked at Blaise utterly confused. "You know him?" She asked, and Blaise cleared his throat. "He's my son." Blaise replied nervously. "Your son?" "Yes." "But I thought-" Miles interrupted their quarrel by coughing. "Where's Devi?" He implored. It was silent. Nobody spoke, but Blaise seemed to speak with his eyes. "Don't tell me- she got killed?" Miles asked, even though he already knew the answer to that question. and Aubrey spoke up. "No. We... We left her behind." "You did what?" Miles began to raise his voice. Aubrey never thought she'd ever be this afraid of a 14 year old. "We probably won't be gone for long, right?" Blaise crossed his arms obviously nervous. "I have no idea." Miles shrugged. 

That day, Miles knew more than anyone on that aircraft. First his step-father dies, then his mother, and then a glitch in the security system. He knew exactly where they were headed, but felt helpless to stop it.  

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