Something New

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Namjoo dropped against the door with her weight. Stunned. Shocked. Mentally over the rainbow. Sehun had walked away minutes ago, but she couldn't bring herself to move away from the door. Replaying his farewell in her head over and over until her heart felt hot enough to explode.

"Crazy girl," her grandmother murmured, giving her a last glance before limping into her bedroom.

Namjoo may have been crazy indeed. The following morning, she decided to surprise Sehun for lunch. It was all out of good thought.

All from good intentions...

She truly didn't have any business walking into his workplace, but Namjoo had reasoned over and over that he had gone to hers the day before. She wasn't invading his privacy. She should visit him, too.

Sehun's workplace was a very established building. Smooth concrete structure with wide tinted windows between each floor. A very well-known organization with branches across South Korea. The upper floors stretched up toward the dome shaped ceiling, the very ceiling consisting of painted windows. Every stairway was draped with very formal mahogany carpeting that Namjoo felt as if she'd stepped into the White House. Portraits of recognized charities boarded the wall. Solo shots of the founder of every organization were not to be dismissed; from leaders of education, human rights movements, women's rights, sexual wellness, poverty prevention. The list was endless.

Namjoo felt lost in the wide lobby. The marbling floor stretching toward the elevators led to more and more doors and the exit on the other side. Strangely empty at this hour. Namjoo checked the time again. She'd come several minutes before noon. Now she feared she'd come too early to make her surprise.

In the center an old carved plaque directory listed departments and what floors they could be found. She had no clue where Sehun worked. The obvious nature of their relationship daunted her. She wanted to know him. Nothing could change her good feelings about that. This was a step toward what they could be.

The reception desk appeared abandoned. Namjoo sighted a computer behind the tall counter beside a phone. Two chairs were without owners. Where was help when she needed it? Behind the chairs a bulletin board was filled with scheduled events and ads for volunteer positions. Namjoo read the list intrigued. Dropping back on her heels she turned to have another glance around the foyer. The elevator opened from somewhere and she hoped it was Sehun coming down for lunch. He had to. There were numerous restaurants around the area.

It wasn't him. Sighing, she lowered her head and kicked at the marbled floor. She was such a fool. An indirect kiss yesterday and she was already leaping all over the place as if they were official. What was wrong with her?

How old are you she chided herself, to be acting like a child? Suddenly flamed with embarrassment, Namjoo tightened her grip around the lunchbox she had woken at six to prepare. Determined to leave and pretend she'd never come Namjoo pivoted, ready to walk out. A voice stopped her. "Hey."


Somewhat familiar.

Namjoo couldn't bring a face to mind, but the voice...very familiar.

The world whirled into a blur as she turned, her eyes landing thin faced Eunhui. They say your life flashes before your eyes before you die. In that short moment, Namjoo's past played in fast-forward right before her eyes. The first meeting with young sister-to-be Eunhui and older brother-to-be Junmyeon. Walking to and from school. Sharing secrets, laughing together at their secret place. When everything had fallen apart. Junmyeon's death. Eunhui's sobs louder than Namjoo's weeping.

Instinctively, Namjoo staggered a step back. Shock.

Eunhui's cold brown eyes stared back unmoved. Her stare as thick as ice on a frigid winter day.

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