Chapter One~Jason's POV

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"I'll have a cheeseburger, please." I told the waitress. Piper gave me a smile. "Seriously, Sparky? We go out for a nice supper with the Seven and you get a cheeseburger?"

Percy winked at me from across the table and ordered the same thing. Annabeth exchanged a knowing look with Piper and elbowed Percy in the gut.

"Hey!" He complained. Hazel laughed. Leo led us in a game of "charades" until our food came. It was quite entertaining actually.

Our luxury cheeseburgers arrived soon after and we dug in. Well actually, Percy and I got luxury cheeseburgers. Everyone else got lame-o fancy stuff.

Percy's phone rang and he got up to take it really quick. Leo watched him go with a proud look on his face. You see, Leo invented the IPhone, or IrisPhone. It's a monster proof phone for half-bloods and it is pretty amazing. I have a whole 12 followers in Instagram.

Sadly, they are all people from Camp that I had to bribe. But don't tell anybody that. Percy came back to the table and grabbed his jacket. He took out his wallet and pulled out some money.

He held it out to me, reconsidered, held it out to Leo, reconsidered again, and settled in Hazel. "I'm buying. Sorry guys, I gotta go. Mom and Paul are going out and I gotta watch Estelle. I'll see you at Camp tomorrow."

Annabeth stood from the table. "I'll come with." She said, also grabbing her coat. "See you guys." She smiled at us. I waved and Frank gave a solute.

We watched through the window as Percy held open the passenger's side door for Annabeth. She laughed and said something to which Percy bowed.

Then he walked around to the other side and climbed in. The two drive away in the Prius with the hoof prints in the hood.

We turned back to our food and Leo decided to tell us a story about his latest invention—Bluetooth sandwiches.

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