CHAPTER SIX- Effects of the Full Moon

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CHAPTER SIX -Effects of the Full moon

I looked at them expectedly. Silence filled the room. Sirius looked panicked seeing me eavesdropping their conversation while mom looked like she was going to faint. I was busted and it was definitely was worth it.

 I cleared my throat awkwardly and stood up, brushing the dust off my pajamas. Both adults were still frozen in place.

"So... you're my dad, huh?" I said casually, facing him and smiled. Sure, maybe I was looking all casual and professional when it came to this kind of situation. But inside? I'm internally panicking slash screaming.

 "Umm..." he said, gulping nervously.

 Mom seemed to shake off her shock and didn't look like she was going to faint anymore. She turned to face me, pointing her wand at me.

 I'm sorry she mouthed at me. I gave her a confused look in return.

She muttered a spell and light blue sparks emerged from the tip of her wand. The light hit me hard on the chest. I fell on the floor immediately feeling sleepy that my eyes began to droop. I fought hard to stay awake. I couldn't afford to fall asleep when I just learned who my father was. 

I lay on the floor trying my best to keep my eyes open. All I see are their feet pacing around the living room.

"Did you need to that?!" I heard Sirius exclaim.

 "I'm sorry I panicked" Mom said, obviously still panicking.

"There's only one thing to do now, Amy" Sirius announced, his voice was quiet barely audible.

My eyes shut and I was lost the battle to stay awake. I was being pulled slowly into unconsciousness. I could still hear my mom and Sirius talking but their voices were merely whispers through my ears.

 "Obliviate" I heard someone say. I could no longer analyze whoever was speaking. The memory charm hit me and unconsciousness dragged me in.


 I woke up at seven like I did every day. I got up rubbing my eyes sleepily as I walked towards the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and fix my hair into a tight bun. I headed quickly downstairs I couldn't wait hear mom's decision. Besides Uncle Remus hasn't turned up yet, I think.

 I walked towards the most likely place my mom would be... the kitchen. Mom was cooking pancakes for breakfast which were my favorite.

"Good Morning" I greeted, sitting on top of a counter beside her. "So...have you thought about it? By that I mean by meeting Harry today." My mom frowned at the pancakes she was cooking.

 "I owled Remus a while ago although he hasn't replied yet" Mom said, taking a quick glance at me. She finally finished cooking our and pulled out a two small plates, placing the pancakes on each. She pulled out her wand from her pocket and accioed the butter and maple syrup. We ate in silence.

 I finished eating minutes later and put my plate in the kitchen sink. My mom was still eating she seemed to zone out from time to time. I quietly left her with her thoughts and went to my room. I closed the door behind me and jumped into bed. I gazed up at the ceiling with had now and image of Diagon alley.

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