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Chapter 10

Hunted until extinction....

Found what I was looking for. "That's why they said I was special .....I'm the last white wolf......... Alive.


I couldn't breath, It feels like all the air in my lungs has been sucked out. The weight pressing down on my chest makes me want to crawl up into a little ball and hide under a desk and never ever come out.

I gasp for air and start to shake. " Um... I think ..I need.. to take a ...or a .....walk."

Adam looks up, " You better not run or I'll hunt you down. Understand?" I feel my whole chest tighten, " Alright, I won't leave the pack borders. I promise."

I turned around with such speed I could pull the roof off a house. When I enter the woods I shift into my white wolf and sprint as fast as my legs can carry me.

Why the hell didn't he tell me I was the last white wolf. Eric was that man was just crazy why did my father leave me with a lunatic. That stupid mother fucker. I wish I could just take his head off and take his eyes out with a pair of scissors then dispose of it by burning his whole body.

Okay I need to take a breath.

All this time I thought I was special because of what I was capable of and because he wanted to protect me. No he wanted me all to himself. Like a slave his own personal slave. Makes me sick to my stomach.

I stop my sprinting and took a moment to think every thing through and over. Wait ....what if he wanted me as his own personal weapon.

It felt like little puzzle piece falling in their perfect place.

That's why he would train me like there was no tomorrow and why no one knew I existed ........... I was his personal weapon. That little shit.

If he was having trouble he was going to sent me out like a little war machine and slaughter innocent individuals.

I start run again, but even faster than before. Going around trees and jumping over large rocks. Stopping to swipe my sharp claws across trees trucks. Stupid mother fucker, son of a bitch.

My mind working out a million miles per hours as I get my anger out on more defenseless trees.

The ground also getting a big chunk of my anger as I smash my paws down on the soft soil and destroy flowers.

When I get to a small river at the end of the border I shift back into my human form and sit by the water. The current flows up stream as I watch all the creatures and plants on the bottom of the muddy river.

I watch the fish swim around in circles while silent tears run down my face......for minutes I just stare at the colorful fish before I realized the horrible smell.

All at once a rotten smell wafts into my nose. I scrunch up my face and get to my feet. The hell is that. The smell inmates my sense like another pack invaded tho land. Without any permission and or reason.

I started walking towards the smell. It smells like dead animal...... Gross. As I creep around a very large bolder the smell gets so strong that I have to cover my nose.


The sight before me makes me want to vomit and upchuck my lunch and breakfast.

Blood ...... Lots and lots of dried and also fresh blood, it is smeared all over the place.

The bright red color stains the ground and covers everything in my sight and also covers my sense of smell like a blanket.

I walk in between to large rocks to get a better view of the whole area. The boulders are in a circle so no one can see what's happening or happened in less they go through the opening.

It looks like an animal has had a very bloody fight....... But the smell.

There is a very big bolder in the middle of this stadium looking thing.

The red googy substance cakes the granite walls.

I walk around the rock to see what is on the other side and freeze. I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from hurling or screaming bloody murder.

There are body's piled up in neat rows covered in fresh blood. There missing hand and other body parts, but what freaks me out the most is that all the victims faces have been cut clean off.

I sprint as fast as I can to get out of this place and head right back to the pack house.

My breathing is really hard now and I'm not even there yet. Holy... Mother.... Of.... Fucking ......god..... The fuck did I just see.

I can not believe I just saw that.... My wolf whines

Just shut up and run faster

When I get to the pack house. I bust right through a window and kick some guy in the face. There are people walking up the stairs so I ram right into the back of there legs.

"HEY ...... Watch where your going ......BITCH!!!" I turn my head to the side so can growl at them.

When I get to the top of the stairs I sprint down the hall and take a right by the blue vase and a left at my door and ram right into Adam office door.

Once Im in his office, I shift right in front of all the top alphas( I'm completely nude)

Grabbing a blanket benched on top of the leather couch I try to form words but just let out huge breath of air.

I huff and puff trying to get my breath back, " The hell are you doing!" Adam stands up so fast he tips his chair over.

"There's.........." Oh my god ... I need to get out more. "There's... You haven't seen it...... Or smelled it....... Or heard any of it!" I quickly push out.

"Seen what?" Adam says in a strict voice. "The body's... So much face.... No hands.."

I breath. "So disgusting. My god."

All the men just look at me like I just got out of a mental hospital.

"What are you talking about." He signs and picks up his chair to sit back down.

He looks at all the alphas and speaks, "Men it's alright she's just .... Special..... Aren't you." What is this idiot saying. "No there's dead body's by the edge of the border!!!!!!"

He looks up at me and says. " If this is some crazy way to get my attention. You've got it..... So you can leave now, we have a very important meeting happening." What he doesn't believe me. Asshole........

"Ummm.... What's your name... I don't think you've told me." Adam looks at me with a stern face. "My name is....."


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P.S ---- tell me if I spelled something wrong so I don't next time <3

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