¿Who am I?

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Chapter 16

Staying in the medical center in Adams pack I began realize how much I had been missing out of my life. I must have really hit my head the day those wolfs had attacked me in the woods.

There are still blank spaces here and there.

The only part that doesn't make sense is why was I in the forest in the first place. All these questions buzzing around in my head with no answer, it's starting to give me a slight headache.

Looking up at the plain white ceiling of the hospital unit in the pack house I let out a loud sigh and flopped onto my side.

Picking at the ends of my finger nails that had grown pretty long since the last time I had looked at them I could not get Adams beautiful face out of my mind.

The way he smiles and runs his fingers through his hair when he is stressed or either nerves sends little butterfly's into my stomach for a night of play.

At he same time it bothers me. I tried so hard for myself not to get stuck in a sticky situation but some how landed right in the middle of one.

I have been in the medical center for about a week or more know, time flys by when your bored of your mind.

They said that I was extremely dehydrated and was in need of some food for my body and that I needed to stay in my room for a week.

Can not say I was all pleased about all that information but I was locked in a cell under ground for about a week, so I was not all that surprised.

The doctors kept say how my body must have flipped out, leading it to shutting down.

They also say that if Adam hadn't gotten a whiff of me I would have been died along with the other wolves down there with me.

I overheard Adam talking about how there was leftover body part in some of the rooms and almost dead men and women, they whispered how they had not seen anything like it before.

They thought I was fast asleep. Me being a white wolf I should have helped them but my stupid body had other plans.

Frowning to myself I thought about how all I wanted was to get out of this smelly room and take a warm shower because my hair is so greasy. I cringe every time I run my fingers through my massive rats nest for hair.

I probably smell dreadful to go along with my greasy hair and not so clean teeth.

Sitting up from the hard and uncomfortable bed I put my foot on the floor and stand up.

"Hey you, your not supposed to be up." I look up and find myself looking into Adam chocolate brown eyes.

A Smile tugs on the corners of my lips and I say to him, "I have been in here for like a week. I need to be on my feet doing stuff not sitting around like an old person." I huff out but could not help the smile plastered on my face as Adam looks down upon me in such a caring manner it makes my hope art leap into my throat.

He slowly shakes his head and walks over to me in two long strides. "How about I take you up stairs and we can have a lovely breakfast and then go do something fun. How does that sound." He says with a crooked smile across his handsome face with a slight baby voice.

"I'm not like five you know that right." I lift and eyebrow and stare at him.

He shrugs his shoulders before lifting me off my feet in one swift motion. I let out a startled yelp before yelling at him. "Hey I'm not suppose to leave before tomorrow." He turns around and starts to walk down the hallway that leads to the stairs.

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