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Chapter 15

Running around in circles in my room as my happy laughter fills the small space. "Slow down your going to hurt yourself ...Randi!"

His handsome face comes into view and he looks at me. I just smile and stick my small tongue at at him. "I'm a superhero daddy. I do what I want!"

He flashes me a smiles down at me as I sprint circles around his tall body. "Not if super dad has anything to do about it." Grabbing me around the waist he lifts me off the ground and spins me around.

I scream in enjoyment and yell for him to stop or I was going to have to use my super powers on him.

I wave my hand around and say some words that don't make much sense before he puts me down.

He looks at me with a confused look in his eyes. "I just used my powers on you. Your under my rule know." An small evil laugh leaves my small mouth.

My mind goes blank before I'm standing on the grass in the backyard. I grin and run over to my father standing by the wooden door that leads to the yard.

I take his hand in mine and yell for him to come and take an adventure with me.

"Where are we going, on this adventure?" I smile a big toothy grin and pull him along with me towards the river that runs behind our house. I jump into the water and yell that I'm a mermaid and that he needs to be my king mermaid.

He shakes his head and slowly slides himself into the water to play with me. For hours we splash around in the clear water before he said we had to go inside.

I yawn, "Carry me." I screech. He picks me up from the water and places me in his warm arms.

Suddenly the memory goes all fuzzy and I'm standing in my room alone with the lights off. Fear fills my thoughts.

I look around and walk towards the door before realizing its locked stepping back I sit on my plain bed and wait. A man in a suit walks in with my father and greets himself as Eric Rogers.

A cold shiver runs down my spine and I step back from the large man in the door way. "Randi be polite this is an old friend of mine he will be staying here for s while." I frown before they leave the room in a hurry not even looking back.

Closing my eyes and picturing the forest. I open my eyes to find that I'm sitting on a wooden chair in the dinning room with Eric sitting in the chair I front of me with a stern face.

"Dear your poor father has gone missing. We don't know what has happened to him but we are doing everything in our power to find him." His smile is sad. I gap like a fish before closing my eyes and bursting out into tears.

Warm liquid flows down my face in a steady stream. He puts one hand on my shoulder to try confronting me.

Reopening my eyes I am pulled back into the time I saw that young women being dragged into the small room in the basement.

Standing in pure shock I watch as he pulls the young human women by her hair into the small cell. The smile on plasters on his face makes me want to gag.

Her screams echo down the hallway as I'm dragged back to my room by a tall angry wolf. His hand firmly locked around my upper arm I struggle to get out of his tight grip.

He grunts as I dig my finger nails into his hand but does not make a move to loosen his grip. Tossing me into my small cramped room on the second floor I bang my head on the floor.

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