Stop your bitching!

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Chapter 26

Slipping out of the house with Noah trailing close behind I take a look back just to see everyone watching us from behind the massive window in the dinning hall.

The one person that stuck out to me was the one man I thought would defend me but he didn't.

He face was turned away as the other members stared daggers towards me.

I don't blame him am a big bloody mess.

The trees have grown over the time I was gone but still hold that beautiful glow about them. Even if these woods are the place where I found so many dead before.

I can still take a lovely walk and try to forget the horrible memories that live in this forest.

Noah and I pushed away the fallen branches and stringy vines covering the little dirt path.

The wind was almost zero today but the bitter cold of the air was still present.

Birds chirped with loud screeches that filled my ears and the sound of the small river rushing between colossal pine trees. That sprung out of the soft brown dirt covering the land made me slightly happy.

Stopping by a river that I know so well I plop down on the ground and lean my back on a nearby tree. "Can't believe he didn't stand up for me!" I say with venom slipping into my voice.

Noah sighs and sits down on a patch of grass by the rushing water. "Well if I was him I defiantly would not protect you. You were being a bitch to be honest."

My head snaps over to Noah who's casually staring at the water without a care in the world. "Excuse me!" I say stunned by his rude comment.

He looks at me with face that tells me he thinks I'm being a bratty little child. "You where being a bitch. What kind of person just says hey I hope you get eaten by flies and rot." He raises an eyebrow at me and turns back to the sparking water.

I mumble, "Well maybe it wasn't the best thing to say but come on the Barbie was asking for it. Her boobs are so hard apt hat you can easily mistake them for rocks." He chuckles but still doesn't defend my side.

He places one of his long fingers into the water and runs it across the top of the slowly moving liquid and I watch. The water ripples under his touch then flows with the current.

He picks his fingers off of the icy looking water and turns to me, "I think you where an ass. What do you think." I scowl at him.

"I think I might have gone a little over board but they were talking about hanging me. Come one isn't that a little bit 1800s." He shrugs his broad shoulders and leans onto a tree that was close to him.

"So your on there side." I glare at him through partly open eyes. "No I am not on anyone's side. I think they might have thought of punishing you in a less sever way but you where way out of order."

I growl at him and stare him down but he doesn't look away. "Piss off!" I grumble.

He just bursts out laugh and moves and just stares at me with a smirk on his face.

"Will you stop it!"I spit out before jumping up from tree I was sitting against.

I lung forward and give him a right slap on the top of the head with my hand. "Oww that hurt." He whined as he covered the spot I just attacked.

"You deserved it. You little shit." I say in a mellow tone of voice with my hands on my hips.

He huffs. "Doesn't mean it didn't hurt any less." He stands up and I push him into the stream and hear him splash around like a little kid.

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