I don't know how to feel anymore

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"and when i'm alone I think about how much I miss you"



"It's always you huh"

"I didn't want to leave you alone i'm sorry I can go if-"

"NO please stay with me until my mom comes and gets me please"

he just smiles and nods and hold out a hand for me to take I gladly take it and grab my backpack and intertwined our fingers together and with my free hand grab my backpack as soon as we walk out of the office




"Kassie Adams please come to the main office Kassie Adams please come to the main office you are leaving"

Right after that the bell rings telling everyone that lunch is over and it's time to go to 5-6th period. We slowly walk to the main office and I see my mom wait for me on a chair right next to the sign out desk we make eye contact and she gets up telling the lady that i'm right there and open the door to me and Eli and we let go of each others hands.

"Mom this is one of the new kids in The Broken People Club Eli, Eli this is my mom" I say smiling

"Nice to meet you Mrs Adams" Eli says with a hand out to shake my mom shakes his hand and smiles at him

"It's nice to meet you too thank you for caring for my daughter Eli I hope to see you more thank you again". We say our goodbyes and walk out the school and to the car we get in and do what we need to do and start to drive away.

"I knew that Aaron likes you from the way he looks at you all the way down to what he does for you and that you two have known each other since you two were babies I knew something like this was going to happen" my mom says with a caring tone

"I just don't know what to feel anymore it's all to weird for me I have never been in love before"

"Are you sure because from the way you look at Eli i'm sure you like him I saw you two holding hands you never hold anyone's hand like that not even Aaron's rain cloud I think you like Eli and more than just a friend but what do I know i just met the boy today and so did you am I right?"

"Yes i just met him today and I feel as safe as I do when i'm with Aaron as if I knew Eli all my life and we just reconnected again today. I think I do like him mom."

we were now in our driveway siting in the car and talking and me just realizing I like a stranger who I just met today as more than friends.

"Then rain cloud wait sometime to tell him how you feel and Aaron doesn't have to come over tomorrow if you don't want him to ok I can just tell him you go sick and no one can come over and then maybe we can see if Eli can come over that way your dad can meet him and then you can talk to him does that sound good?"

"You always know how to deal with me and what to do to make me happy"

We get out of the car and walk up the four steps and mom unlocks the door and I hug her.

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