him and I against the world

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"I swear I see forever in your eyes"


"Mom?" both Eli and I say in unison

"The attendance lady called saying both of you were absent and we came here to prove them wrong but when we saw each other we decided that two moms are better than one and was going to bring hell down on that lady before we saw The Broken People Club run out of first period Aaron and Loni ran out and Conner told us what happened and then we split up in pairs to find you two and here you two are holding hands" my mom says with a smile

we let go and I shove my hands in the oversized sweater pockets Eli shoving his hands in his jean pockets

"And you are wearing Eli's sweater" Eli's mom says with a smile

"I was about to say I don't remember you having a oversized black zip up sweater that isn't a hoodie" my mom says and I quickly try to take it off but Eli puts his hands on my shoulders and whispers

"Your cuts everyone is going to see them" and I freak out even more my hands starting to twitch my mom looks at my hands and I start to freak out a little taking quick deep breaths my mom grabs my now violently shaking hands and starts to run to the main office


I hear Loni yell and my mom turns to Eli's mom "she is going to have a full blown panic attack can you please get her out of here and to the hospital please I need to deal with her friends" Eli's mom nods and I stop falling down to my knees Eli picks me up bridal style and holds me close and runs with his mom to the front office Mrs. Pines opens the door and Eli runs in one look at me and the lady at the desk nods I can feel my whole body start to shake now. "I would like to take out um"

"Aaron Parker, Loni Lowis, Kenadie Summers and Conner Jones" Eli saves 

"I'm sorry but without written permission you can not take the kids out of school"


I start to shake more

"Kass what's wrong" Eli asks and with as much sound I can pull out of me I whipser

"Random loud noises scare me"

My mom runs in with my friends and goes over to Mrs Pines

"Take her to the hospital I can get the rest of them out of school" Mrs. Pines nods and Eli and her run out and I can hear my mom yelling at the lady in the office Eli hands our backpacks to his mom and she places them in the seat next to her as Eli and I get in the back seat Eli closes the door and leans on it spreading his legs and opening his arms for me to cuddle in and I do things start to get blurry and start to spin and then everything turns to inky blackness.

I wake up and look around to be met with 5 bags on the chairs in front of me I look to my right to see a huge window for a wall and then to my left the door to my room and another glass wall I sit up and cold tears fall down my face I pick up my hand to wipe them away to be met with black fabric I quickly pull away to see the sleeve of Eli's sweater I smile "they let me keep it on" I whisper and smile to myself. The door opens and my mom looks at me and smiles "I was going to get my bag of the things I bought for myself but since you just woke up do you want anything?" my  mom asks and I nod "wow mom and yes my friends please and my b- Eli yes my Eli" I say with a nervous smile "your friends and your boyfriend got it" my mom says with a smirk as she gets ready to walk out the door "wait mom!" I yell she turns "did you bring Nightshade?" "and your favorite blanket" my mom says while walking back in "the one that changes depending on the temperature of the room?" I say getting excited "that's the one" she says while pulling out a fuzzy black cat plush with yellow eyes and a white blanket with fabric paint splatter marks I made with the colors of the rainbow the day after I first got it now I don't go to any place that involves bringing a blanket without it and handing the cat to me and putting the now cold blanket onto me and I smile "ok now you can get my friends and my boyfriend" I say mumbling the last part. My mom walks out smiling leaving me a blushing and hands still shaking mess. I hug the fuzzy cat plush and look around again now noticing two chouches and my mom's pillow and her favorite blanket I start to worry causing my hands to shake a little more

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