"I lost him in a day but it took me forever to know him"

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"you taught me why hurricanes were named after people"


I wake up and look around Kenadie and Conner the only ones who were smart enough to get one of my pillows on my bay window near it too. Loni close it my bed and with a blanket from it Aaron in the middle of my room and me almost on my bed but almost falling off I sigh and walk over to my closet and look around and decide to wear a comic book cover of  spider-man and light blue jeans with my white converse and a blue flannel it was around spring and it was warm with a nice breeze. I walk downstairs to be met with my mom and dad laughing at something they were watching my dad looks up at me and smiles "we are going out for breakfast if that's ok with all of you" I nod and I walk to the kitchen to get 5 bottles of water from the fridge and walking back up managing not to drop the 5th one. I walk into my room to see everyone just walking up "what time is it?" Loni asks while looking at me and I toss everyone water bottles and keeping one in my hand and walking over to my phone and turning it on. 9:00 I turn and look at Loni "nine and we are going out to eat so all of you get dressed one by one into my restroom and change that way we can just goooo" I say falling back onto my bed I turn to see who was going first and Kenadie was halfway there when I looked watching her close the door and I sit up opening the bottle and drink a little. Kenadie walks out a little later wearing high waisted blue jean shorts and a all black crop top with a red and black flannel tied around her waist and black converse. Loni then runs into the bathroom and I smile "looking good Ken" "why thank you Glass" she says with a smile "we are so going to get good pictures if we go out today" Conner says "did you bring your camera?" I ask him "when do I not bring my camera?" Conner reponds "ooooOOoOOO he answered a question with a question" Kenadie jokes "that's hard core"Aaron says with a chuckle Loni walks out wearing a black skirt with a gray shirt tucked under the skirt that reads 'Free Spirited' in what looks like typewriter font and black flats then Conner gets up and walks over to my restroom and then comes out a little later wearing a white shirt with a black and white flannel and his gray converse then we all get up and I yell at the door "we are going to be down stairs waiting for you" "ok!" I hear Aaron yell and we all walk downstairs and then I run back up to get my period and filling it with new film and run back downstairs and hand it to Conner and he puts it in his backpack I sit down on the couch talking amongst ourselves until Aaron comes down wearing a gray short sleeve and light blue jeans and his black bennie and converse and we all get up and start to walk outside and Kenadie's van is behind my mom's car "meet you at the waffle house close to the flower garden and park in town" my dad says and Kenadie nods "see you there!" I yell as I run to the back and Loni runs to the passengers seat and i'm left with the boys in the back with me Conner holds my hand and we look at each other and smile and I lay my head on his shoulder "I'm always here for you if Aaron fucked up or the girls  did ok?" Conner whispers "thank you Cons"

 We drive all the way over to the waffle house and find a space next to my mom's car and pile out the van and meet my parents at our favorite booth the one right next to the huge windows in the front right in the middle.  We all find some way to fit into the small booth and eat talk and laugh until we all finished and paid and walked outside "mom is it ok if we all go to the park and I should be home around 9 or 10 at the latest" "go have fun Kassie you out of all people need a distraction" my mom says getting into her car and driving away my friends and I pile back in Kenadie's van and drive to the park and find a parking space and Conner brings down his camara and my polaroid and we run to the playground that was surprisingly empty until another van shows up but we don't think nothing of it. Kenadie and I slide down the slide and Conner gets a picture of both of us on it me behind Kenadie with my legs coming from her sides and my head on her shoulder both of us laughing both on my polaroid and on his camara we both get off and Conner puts the developed picture in his front pocket of his backpack and I turn when I hear Loni yell out "KASSIE THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE ARE HERE TOO" and the three of us run over to whare Aaron and Loni stand and I look at everyone.

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