a night to be alive

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" it's the things you do that make me want you"


I get home and run up stairs and drop everything on my bed and open my window and pull out my phone and turn on my speaker and turn on my phone and connect my phone to my speaker and put on Lo Que Siento by CUCO and lay down on my floor listening to my music I close my eyes and go over what happened all this week.

Monday normal day. Got home and layed on my floor listening to music.

Tuesday. Normal. Aaron came over and we talked and laughed and I felt something there but I don't know if it was even love. That's probably why he felt it with me just way earlier then I realized he did.

Wednesday. Ok. I had a small panic attack but it was because I lost something that was downstairs.

Tuesday. Eli came and flipped my world upside down. Had a panic attack because Aaron confessed his love for me. Just the thought of it makes my hands shake a little.

Friday. full blown panic attack and had to go to the hopsitail

Today. Saturday met a new person and got out of that hospital and now i'm home. Good

The song changes to My Boy by Billie Eilish and I smile and sigh

"Kassie!" I jump and open my eyes to be met with Aaron's and I sit up my hands shaking a little I turn on my phone and pause the song "what the fuck Aaron how did you get in without my mom calling to me that you are here?" he smiles at me and sits right next to me "Kass do you forget that your mom has huge rose bushes and has to get the lattice to keep it up and she just so happen to put it under your window and my mom did the same thing just with red and not white you use it to get to my room" I sigh this time sadly "what's up?" I ask wanting to know why the boy was in my room. "Conner, Loni, Kenadie and Eli are coming over turn on your phone" I turn it on and Aaron looks over my shoulder to see nothing but the picture of Eli and him tangled up together while sleeping "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT WHEN THE FUCK WAS THAT WHY THE FUCK DID YOU TAKE A PICTURE!" Aaron screamed in my ear and I push him making him fall down then sit up my door opens and my mom smirks "hi Aaron" my mom says with a small wave Aaron blushes a little "hi Mrs. Adams" I cover my mouth to keep from laughing my mom smiles and closes the door and I burst out laughing "you stupid ass motherfucker" I say in between laughs he just stares at me rolling his eyes the blush still on his face. "Are you done laughing yet?" I nod while wiping a tear "ok it's a picture stupid ass, this morning and because it was cute you should see my home screen" I say while unlocking my phone and going to where the picture is seeable and he smacks the phone and I punch him causing him to rub the shoulder "I hate you for taking those pictures" I smirk "awww come on I know you love me" I say while poking his cheeks after a few pokes he smiles and grabs my hands and shoves them off and I smile. I get up and take one of the bags that my mom got from yesterday and pick it up and walk out the room Aaron running after me and we walk down stairs and to the kitchen and placing it down on the island and my mom walks in "Kass all of them are for you well one new one which is all of your friends favorite candy and chips also your favorite chips and candy are in two separate bags Kenadie, Conner and Loni should be here any second they only live down the street just 6 houses down starting from Kenadie's well your dad and I are going to go out so the house is yours don't trash the place" and both Aaron and I nod "wait what about Eli?" I ask and my mom frowns "he is going to be gone for a week Autumn, Eli's mom, just told me a few minutes ago that her grandma died yesterday so they are going today and will come back around Sunday because they also have to go another funeral for one of the family's friend. I'm sorry Kass but Aaron is always here don't let Eli not being here make you feel bad for the rest of the week ok" I nod again and she walks out and I take all of the bags with Aaron's help filled with food up to my room and place it on my bed and go to turn off my speaker I turn on my phone and see a text from Eli I tap on it and unlock it

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