Ch. 1 [New student]

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It's my first day to my new high school, although it's kind of weird that I'm starting in middle of the 2nd semester. ~Jimins Pov~

I wish my parents hadn't decided to put me in an all boy boarding school since I have only been homeschooled all the way till now. I'm not really a shy person a lot but I'm not really talkative much either. The worse thing about going to that boarding school is that I'm gonna be staying in dorms and sharing it with another person, although I really didn't mind sharing it with another person. I know for a fact that won't be talking much with anyone (at least that's what he thinks😏).

"Sh*t it's already 7:49 and I still haven't put on my uniform. It's only my first day and I'm already getting late to school." He put on his uniform fast and when to go brush his teeth fast. Once he finished he quickly grabbed his backpack and ran to the door. He noticed that his parents weren't there. "I guess they already left to work." He wasn't really surprised since they always worked a lot. He then remembered he forgot his car keys in his room so he quickly went back to get them and ran downstairs. He quickly went to his car and started the motor already. He then saw the time in his phone. "Sh*t it's 7:56 now. I guess Ima have to get there really fast." He finally found the school and went inside. He had to get to the principals office but he didn't know where that was at and was lost. Then another boy caught the attention of Jimin. He then started to walking towards Jimin who wasn't noticing since he was looking around trying to found out if the principals office was close by there. "Hey I'm guessing your new since you look lost." "Yea.... I am" Jimin said in a low whisper. "I can help you out if you want." "Well can you please tell me where the principals office is at." "Here let me take you to his office." Jimin slowly followed the boy that was leading him to the principals office. He was happy that he at least wasn't gonna have to walk all  around the school trying to look for principals office. "We're here" the boy said. "Thank you" Jimin said in a kind of whisper. "What's your name by the way." "It's Jimin. Park Jimin." he said with a shy smile. "Jeon Jungkook" the boy said with a bunny smile. "Well catch you later Jimin." Jungkook said with a bunny smile while running of to his class. Jimin knocked on the principals door. He then entertained when he heard someone say "come in." He slowly opened the door and entered to the principals office. "Hello you must be Park Jimin" the principal said while greeting Jimin with a smile. "Yea I came to get my schedule and dorm keys." The principal then handed Jimin his keys to the dorm and handed his schedule too. "Your first class is with Mr. Kim. His class is gonna be all the way to the end on your left." "Thank you" Jimin said while leaving. He slowly started to walk to his class. When he opened the door to his class and entered, he saw that everyone was staring at him and it was slowly him him more shy. "You must be new here. Can you please introduce yourself and say a little bit about you." "Yea... I'm Park Jimin and I'm 16 yrs old. I like to draw, hear music, and I love to dance." "Well Mr. Park you may have a seat in the back." He slowly started to walking towards his seat. While he was walking towards his seat he heard some girls whispering to there friends "The new kid is hot." He started to feel his face blushing a little bit. "Hi I'm Kim Taehyung but you can call me V." V said with a boxed smile. "Hi" Jimin said with a gentle smile. "Can I check your schedule to see if I have any more classes with you." "Sure" Jimin said while handing his schedule to V. "I have every class with. So I could walk you to your other classes while not having to get lost in this school." V said while giggling. "Yea thanks. I really would appreciate it." The class finished pretty quickly and it was now his next class. "Ughhh finally we're going to the next class" V said while yawning. They started to head to the next class and it was Math. They both entered the room. "Oh I see that we have a new student. Park Jimin right" the math teacher said. "Well welcome to our school Mr. Park." "Yea thank you" Jimin said. You may have a seat in the middle row between Mr. Jeon and Mr. Kim." He was happy that he at least didn't have to seat next to someone that he didn't know and also cuz he was seating next to the two people he just met. He quickly went to go sit on his seat. "Hi again" Jungkook said with a bunny smile. "Hey." The teacher then started the class. It was now finally lunch which was a good things since he didn't eat in the morning. "Let's go get food Jimin" V said. "Wanna join us too Jungkook." V said with a boxed smile to Jungkook. "Yea sure. I'd loved to." They started to head to the cafeteria. Jimin then bumped into someone. "Hey watch where you're going" someone said with a loud voice and scared Jimin. "Hey Jimin are you okay" V and Jungkook both said at the same time. "Yea but who is that." "That's Min Yoongi he's the schools bad boy here." V said in a kind of whispering way. "How come he's called the bad boy" Jimin said softly. "It's cuz he's always smoking in school, ditching classes, disrespecting everyone and always gets into fights." "Let's just forget about him and go get lunch." Jungkook said.

~30mins later~

*Bell rings*
"What class do you have next next Jungkook" V said smiling. "I have history next." Jungkook said while rubbing the back of his neck and smiling. "Oh we do too. What room." "C16" Jungkook said. "Oh we do too but I haven't you in that class." V said curiously. "Well it's cuz I barely got my schedule changed." "Oh no wonder" V said while giving Jungkook a smile. "Well let's start heading to our class then. Don't wanna be late to Mrs. Kim's class." V said chuckling. The three headed to class and entered the classroom. "You must be Mr. Park" Mrs.Kim said giving him a gentle smile. "You can sit in the 3rd row close to the window" Mrs. Kim said. Jimin then headed to his seat and so did V and Jungkook. The bell rang and someone came in late. " I see you finally decided to show up to class Mr. Min" Mrs. Kim suddenly said. "Whatever" He said while rolling his eyes at her. "You can sit in the 3rd row next to Jimin close to the window." He slowly started to head to his seat and then sat quietly. Class has now finally finished.

~hours later~
School finally finished and Jimin was really tired already. "Want is to walk you to your dorm room" V said. "Yea." V and Jungkook started to walk Jimin to his dorm room since he didn't know where it was at. Then finally reached to Jimins dorm. "Thanks guys" Jimin said with a smile. "No problem Jimin don't hesitate to ask for anything if you need help. Our dorms are at the end" V said. Jimin then took out his key to open the door or his dorm. He slowly walking in and saw someone. "Min Yoongi" he said in his head." Yoongi then gave a quick glance to Jimin and then walked away to his room.

————————————————————Hey guys this is my first story that I'm writing and I'm new to this so please don't hesitate to tell me if I do any mistakes.
I well try to update frequently but I'm not gonna promise anything. Well thanks for reading my story bye.

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