A cold walk

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,,Anti is talking''
,,someone is talking"
//someone thinks//

Anti's Pov.

I walked out of the house and looked around. It was dark, only the moon and streetlights, that klicked on and off again, giving a bit of light. I put my hood on my head and tucked my hands in the pockets of my jacket. I walked trough the empty streets, almost no soul was walking around.

Walking by a dark alley, drops of water hit me, it started to rain. I knew that alley well and it was the best place to be for now. The house next to the alley, had a neongreen sign that went on and off every minute. I sat at the corner of the building and leaned my head against the wall. I looked at the sky and started thinking with the klicking noise of the sign above me. The rain hit my face and a cold breeze went by. I knew this alleyway like I know my knifes.

It's long with a dead end. Many trashcans are on the side of either wall with, no light in the whole alleyway, besides a bit of glow from the sign. All the times I've robbed and "sometimes" killed someone there... good times...

I took a deep breath in and looked out of the alleyway. There were two people walking hand in hand. Its not like I wanted that. Im not someone that loves someone! I dont have these feelings. I never had and I never will...

My thinking got interrupted as I heard two voices. I turned my head so I was looking deeper into the alley and tried to listen to them, but they were too quiet.

,,Sigh... might as well..."

I stood up and slowly walked deeper into the alleyway.

//Not like I got anything better to do...//

As I got near I heard someone say:

,,You'll make good money. Ha ha ha Ive waited soo long for a catch like youuu~!"

The voice was definetely male, but I didnt knew who it belonged to.

,,OH STOP SQUIRMING! Or do you want to be in even more pain?~"

I hid behind a trashcan for a bit. It was so dark, that I couldnt see the person that was talking.

//What is he even holding?//

,,A little child like you should never be alone at night... DIDNT YOUR PARENTS TELL YOU THAT?! Oh dont cry~ CRYING WILL GET YOU NO WHERE!"

// A child? This person is crazy.. I mean I am crazy but this person is just insane... I wouldnt hurt a child whats the fun in that? Well I guess this stupid jackaboyman or however this bitch calls himself will save that child any way//

I stood up and started to walk away.


I didnt really care and kept on walking until...


I looked over my shoulder, at this garbage of human being. I am a demon. I can do whatever I want but humans...

,,You're pathetic..."

,,What did you just say to me?!" 

,,You heard me"

He took a step near me, as I turned around. He let the child fall onto the floor and it crawled into the right corner of the wall.

,,You cant get out of this!"

Now that he was a bit more near to me, I could see him. He was wearing a orange hat and a green torn jacket, torn black pants and snearkers. To tell you the truth he. just. looked. like. shit.

,,What are you even?! You look stupid and-"

He stopped as my eye started to glow neon green. The rain had turned the floor into a big puddle and the wind was stronger than before. It was cold and this guy was clearly cold hearted as well. He took a step forward but I didnt budge. I looked up a bit my hood still covering my head. Now he was clearly scared. Humans always do stupid stuff when theyre scared and this piece of shit was no exeption. He took a knife out of his pocket and ran straight at me. I took a step to the right and shot trough his head, from my glowing eye . He fell to the floor behind me and didn't move. I looked at the child and turned around, walking away.

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