Pinky promize?

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Thank you sooo much for the nice words, they help me so much and that you vote on this story is just incredible! It makes me smile and that's  something that I can't do that much right now. So thank you sooo much and I hope that maybe I can make you smile, giggle or maybe even laugh with my story. So thank you soo very much and I hope you enjoy this next part ^.^ Stay yourself!

(The song would have been better last chapter but I jus thought of it sooo here you gooo)

Schneep's POV

After I finished, the little one looked already much better, they were smiling and hugging me all zhe time.

If they could get a hold of anytzhing they wouldn't let go, they are just a ball of happyness and I tzhink that would do Anti szome good. I can already szee it... He caresz... I don't know if thatsz a good thing for Y/N... We'll szee...

,,Zo you zeem to be all fixed, now will you keep your promize that you made with szzneep?"

They looked confused but after a while they szeemed to remember and nooded their head.

,,Pinky promize?"

I held my pinky out to tzhem, but they didn't szeem to understand.

,,Do you know what a pinky promize iz? No? Okay let me try to eggsplain... If you do a pinky promize you szwear that you'll keep zhe promize, that you made. It workz laike dis... Gimme your right hand"

They gave me their right hand, in my left and I gently pushed all their fingers down (beside their pinky) with my thumb and let go

,,And now hold it. Great you're doing a greaat job on tzhis! Now if we hook our pinkysz together, you promizse to me that you'll take a bath and if you don't, the sztory szaysz, you'll lozse your pinky. That's why it is szo important that you keep this promisze and you'll never do one if you can't keep it. Did you undersztand that?"

They looked at my pinky, then at theirsz and then at me. They szmiled at me and hooked our pinkys together.

,,Great! Now you've made your firszt pinky promizse! Try to keep it oggkay?"

They nooded again and let go of my pinky.

,,Now zhen you're all done. Let me talk to Anti fast. You sztay here okay?"

They gave a thumbsz up and I walked to Anti.

,,And dont touch anything allrrright?"

I didn't look back because I truszted them.



,,I looked at tzhe child and they are relativly okay. The only problem is that they can't szeem to speak at the moment. Their name is Y/N and they are about 5 or 6 years old. We have to help them with tzheir szpeaking and szhould get them new sztuff."

,,I can't go outside..."

,,That's why I szaid we. Jack can get them new sztuff and they could lern szpeaking with one of the other egos. Although before we can do anything we have to aszk Jack if you can keep them"

//They want to take them away from me... He thinks I am just a stupid psycho... I am not... I am NOT!//

He took a sztep near to me and puffed his chezst out a bit.

,,I don't care if he approves. If he doesn't I'll make him, because that asshole get's his head ripped of if he does not approve."

I sztood my ground tho. Anti knowzs that I am not as szcared of him, azs the other egos.

,,Firszt of you can't talk like that while the child isz around. It's not good for them bec-"

,,I thought they couldn't talk."

,,Letz sztop this. Talk to Jack and we'll zee.''

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