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GULPING DOWN HER SALIVA, Eunna looked at the two ties in her hands. "Which one should I give him? " she doubted. She was now at Taehyung's apartment. Despite he's rich, he tends to live in an apartment since he lives alone. But it was a pretty big apartment for sure. Even so, some of the workers said that he has another house at Daegu and it's very big and luxury. He had mentioned it before.

"Seokjin told me he loves blue. But he just wore it two days ago. Then, should I give him the red one? But it's too bright! " she mumbled as she scratched her forehead.

"What takes you so long? " she heard Taehyung yelled from the living room. Hearing his voice, she started to get worried as she clumsily made her way to the living room to meet him.

"I'm so sorry, Sir. I was busy choosing your tie. It confuses me. Which colour do you like? " she asked and showed him the two ties in her hands.

He looked at them then shook his head. "You took 15 minutes just to choose my tie? Pft, just give me any colour! " he seemed mad a bit.

Eunna muttered under her breath and looked at the man in front her. "I'm so sorry, Sir. " she apologized.

"You keep saying you're sorry. Can you please stop? It's not a positive word, though. Change your mindset. Instead, say you'll improve yourself or you'll do your best to be better. No more I'm sorry. " he said

"Get it? "

Eunna nodded, "Alright Sir. "

Taehyung stood up and said "Remember to be serious at work. Don't get too distracted. We need to be professional " he reminded her.

"I understand, Sir. " she nodded and followed him towards the car.

12.36 p.m.

Eunna honestly had get a bit more used to her work. She started to show some commitment and Taehyung could see her improvement. He loves that.

He asked her to come into his room as he had something to tell her.

"Yes, Sir? " Eunna asked once she stepped into his office with a book in her arms. "When's my next meeting? " Taehyung asked while playing with the pen he was holding. Eunna quickly opened the book to look at her notes.

"Your next meeting will starts at 3 p.m. Sir. Do you want me to prepare anything? Or, do you want some coffee? " she asked. Actually, she did some research on what assistants should do. And the Google stated that she needed to ask her boss if he needs some drink or any food.

Taehyung chuckled softly. "Since when do you start to ask me if I want coffee? Who taught you that? Seokjin? " he found it was funny.

"Nope. I actually um- just in case if you need coffee. " she lied. She didn't want Taehyung to know she learned that from the Internet. He might say that she's childish.

He set his pen down then looked back at Eunna. "I don't drink coffee " he spoke.

"It has a lot of caffeine that is not good for health. So I prefer tea than coffee. " he added. Eunna mouthed an O to him .

"So, do you want a tea? Hot or cold? " she asked.

"Hot for sure. " he answered.

"But before that, I want to tell you something. A thing that I noticed about you today. " he said, making Eunna stopped on her spot to listen to his words. The way he said was quite serious so she was afraid if he wanted to complain about her again.

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