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THE NEXT FOLLOWING DAY, Eunna found herself was sleeping on an unfamiliar bed. She yawned and sat up on the extremely comfortable bed.

Slowly, she opened her eyes just to find that she was on Taehyung's bed. Gasping, she looked down at her body and relieved a relief sigh when she found that she still had her clothes on.

She turned around to see if Taehyung was still in the room since he wasn't beside her. With a glance, Eunna thinks that she was alone in the room.

But after a few minutes, she heard a soft snore coming from somewhere she didn't know.

She stopped her actions and looked down at the floor where she spotted Taehyung who was sleeping soundly.

She widened her eyes and closed her mouth to prevent herself from letting out any noises that could wake Taehyung up.

Silently, she thought, "How can I sleep on the bed meanwhile he sleeps on the floor? Did I kick him down? "

9.04 a.m.

Eunna went downstairs to check if anyone was in the house. Then, she heard a cooking sound coming from the kitchen.

It must be Aunt Marie.

She went to the kitchen and spotted that she was cooking. She smiled and greeted her. "Good morning, mind if I give some help?"

They prepared the breakfast together and set it up on the dining table. "How's Taehyung? Is he's getting better? " Aunt Marie asked.

Eunna just gave her a small smile and nodded. "Yeah, he's fine. "

Aunt Marie just nodded her head and continued setting up the table. "Btw, what did you two do last night? " a sudden question was threw again.

Eunna stopped then turned to the old woman. "What we did last night? What do you mean? " she asked in a bit confusion.

But Aunt Marie seemed relaxed and chilled. "When Yoongi and I got home, I wanted to hand the medicine to you. But you weren't in the living room. So we searched for you in Taehyung's room. " she spoke.

Silently, Eunna started to get nervous. She was afraid to hear things she didn't want to.

"But when we got there, the door was locked. " she continued, making Eunna gasped quietly.

Who locked the door? I didn't, she thought.

Was it Taehyung? Who knows?

"Then what happened? Did you knock the door? " she asked Aunt Marie and waited for her answer.

"Yes, I did. "

"Who opened the door? " Eunna asked, which make Aunt Marie felt weird about her. Well, why should she asked that much of questions, right?

"Taehyung opened the door. " she answered. "And he was trying to wear a shirt. I tried to find you at first. But he said you were already asleep. So I just let it be, " she added.

Eunna raised her eyebrow and stared at the food on the table. "He seemed like he wasn't drunk anymore when I talked to him." Aunt Marie said and walked to the kitchen back to take the utensils.

Oh. Now Eunna got it. When he wasn't drunk anymore, he let her sleeps on his bed meanwhile he slept on the floor. Ladies, that's what we call respect.

Eunna blinked her eyes and cleared her throat.

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