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"Wait for the person who will do anything to be your everything, "

IT WAS A COLD EVENING when I found myself underneath the blanket, shivering to death. Fever. That was what I had to bear at this moment, forced to take a few days off as Taehyung didn't want my fever to get any worse if I go to work.

It sucked feeling like this. My body felt so weak and I can barely feel my feet. Sniffling, I tried to reach the tissue paper that Taehyung had place right beside my bed.

The body stretch I did when I was trying to reach the tissue was hurting me. Yet, I couldn't just let the flu roll down my face. It's disgusting.

"Wanna grab the tissue? Let me help you, " a deep husky voice filled the silent room, making me to look at him. It was Taehyung who just came back from work, still wearing his suit.

I stared at him. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at Busan now? For meeting with the clients? " I asked in curiosity. He can't be here.

After hearing my words, he did nothing but just smiled nicely. "I cancelled it, " he answered simply, then his hands slowly reaching the box of tissue as he handed it to me. I looked down at it and raised an eyebrow.

"Why? " I asked. He chuckled, "You love asking too much questions, don't you? "

"Well, it's called priority. "

He came back to my room with a cup of tea in his hands. Gently, he placed it on the desk then sat on my bed just to look at me in the eyes. Then, a small smile crept on his face.

I scoffed. "I can't believe you cancelled the meeting just to take care of me. I mean— I can take care of myself. Why should you worry anyway? I'm not a kid. "

He shrugged, then crossed his legs. "It's just, I want to spend some time with you. Besides, you're still sick. What if something bad happens to you and I'm not around? " he asked.

He always cares about me. Always.

"You're such a sweet talker guy. Tell me, how many girls had hear this from you? Did they fall for you afterwards? " I laughed while covering my mouth since it was quite pale and not attractive at all.

He frowned at me, "I don't need to say those sweet words to make them fall for me. All it needs is just my presence, " he stated, sounding a bit cocky.

"That's gross. " I scoffed then turned away.

"Don't deny the truth, sweetie. " he playfully tickled my under chin, making me to let out some small giggles. "Hey, don't do that. I'm getting out of breath. " I slightly pushed his hand away.

We laughed for a pretty minute before it went silenced between both of us for awhile. Then, he cleared his throat and looked back at her in the eyes, locking their looks. "Eunna, " he spoke.

I hummed, still looking into his shining eyes. "What is it, Tae? " I asked him.

"There's someone who wants to meet you. But he's afraid you might scold him. " his voice was low but he kept the serious look on his face. I furrowed my brows then looked around. "Who is it? "

"You'll know it when he's here, "

"I'll leave both of you here to give you some space. Call me if you need anything, " Taehyung said to me then leave the room as soon as the person stepped in.

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