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I still had 2 hours before the party at Mr Soo's house starts. I was still debating with myself on which dress I should wear tonight.

Taehyung told me to wear red. I have two red dresses here. But the problem was, they're too short. It would clearly reveal my thighs and I absolutely don't like it.

Sighing, I finally got an idea. I could wear a short to cover my thighs. By doing this, I can cover my upper thighs. At least.

I grabbed my dress and all the things I might need then started getting ready for the party.

I was stuck with the earrings that I had never wear before. I bought it last night and literally wasted my $50 just for this annoying stupid thing.

But after all, I needed to look good since I'll be sticking with Taehyung this whole night. He'll surely meet so many VIPs from different companies so I had to look good.

Getting distracted, I suddenly bumped into someone as I was walking without looking at where I was going. I backed off and looked up at the person.

"Sir? " I asked. I thought he was already inside with Mr Soo. I blinked and lowered my head. "I'm sorry, " I apologized for my reckless behavior.

"What's distracting you? You weren't focus when you walk. " he said then his eyes moved to the earrings I was wearing. I had never wear any accessories to work before. Maybe it made him felt a bit weird.

"New earrings? They're cool, " he smiled then looked back at me who was holding myself from frowning.

"Do they really look cool? Thank God. At least I didn't spend my $50 for nothing. " I blurted while flipping my hair to the back.

"You bought it for this party? " he laughed softly and waited for me to say something. "I want to look nice in front of the VIPs. First impression is crucial. " I told him.

"Oh, the party is about to start. Let's get in! " I gestured him. I didn't want to miss anything.

"Alright, chill a bit. " he shook his head and gave me his arm so that I could linked my arm with his. Making sure that I was ready, he turned to the front and both of us stepped into the big mansion.

We entered the mansion and was automatically greeted by the people. Majority of them were from our company. Meanwhile, the others were from Mr Soo's company.

"You're looking so good, Sir Kim. "

"Nice suit. "

"Good to meet you here, Sir Kim. "

All of them were busy greeting Taehyung, forgetting the fact that I'm actually exist. I mean, why would they approach me? I'm nobody to them. I was only a secretary of Kim Taehyung. I had no power, no fame and not interesting.

But it doesn't mean I'm nothing. I can be anything I want. They can't look down on me since I was the one who saved the company from investing into the wrong investment.

"Hey, Kim Taehyung. It's nice to meet you, " a man said while shaking his hand with Taehyung's. He seemed to be very happy seeing Taehyung.

"Long time no see. You look more handsome than the last time we met. " he grinned. Taehyung forced a smile to him and slightly rolled his eyes at the early 40s years old man.

"You look great too, Mr Han. " Taehyung smiled. I could tell he was hoping that Mr Han would leave as soon as possible. His fake smile couldn't stay any longer.

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