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His Ex

His Ex

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I WAS GETTING READY to go work today. It was Monday so I had myriad of things to do. Especially when we hired a new executive so I needed to watch how they work.

As I was busy putting on my tie, Eunna came into my room, dressed formally. Her eyes moved up to me, grinning widely.

"Finally, it's Monday! " she clapped her hands happily, the excitement of getting into work was hunting her.

"Even I'm locked in this house, that doesn't mean I need to quit from working with you, right? Please tell me I'm still your secretary. Or else, I would die in this house because of boredom. " she whined.

Even when she whined, she still managed to look fine. I let out a small giggle and patted her head. "Princess is bored, hm? " I asked her softly as she stopped whining.

"Of course I am. This house is surely big but I have nothing to do. Let me work with you, please. " she pleaded.

She jumped while holding my hands tightly. This way, she knows I would agree with her.

Not wanting to argue, I heaved a sigh. "Yeah, sure. You're my only secretary. If you don't go to work, then who's going to make me a cup of tea? "

"I have no idea how can you even think that I won't let you to work just because I don't allow you to go out. " I chuckled, secretly wanted to know her reaction.

"Well— I didn't expect this. I thought you don't believe me. Who knows if I'll try running away, right? " she shrugged, her words were pure. Hearing to her words, I chuckled again.

"If you're trying to run away, you won't tell me your plan. Besides, I trust you and as long as you're on my sight, you'll never can escape from me. " I winked to lessen the sensation.

"Okay but the last thing you said was creepy. You sound like a bad guy. " she scoffed softly.


"Don't try to run away, okay? " Taehyung reminded her once again to make sure she won't forget. Even he believes she won't do that, but the little feelings of his kept doubting about her.

Eunna got off from his car and nodded with a smile on her face. She was happy to be back to work. "Sure. Why would I run away anyway? I won't leave my job just because you bought me. " she chuckled then offered to carry his bag.

"Let me bring your bag. You're my boss now." she spoke, giving him her hands. Hearing the word now, he raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean now? Aren't I'm still your boss even when we're home? " he asked her.

After all, his words were true. "No. I'll only treat you like a boss when we're working. But when we're home, you're nobody but a person who bought me illegally. Mark that," she marked.

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