Chapter 6

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Sylvie's P.O.V.
"So you're a wolf then?" Christy asked. "My senses couldn't quite make it out."
It was one of the questions I was scared of answering the most. I'd always been told that I should try to keep it hidden as during this fighting, it would make me a target.
Suddenly Jason's words popped into my head, him telling me that I was safe with him.
I reached over and took his hand to give me the confidence to speak.
"Actually, um I'm a half wolf."
"She's also my mate, that's why I seem to have changed suddenly. It's because I've found the one I needed." Jason added on quickly trying to help.
Christy and Bradley looked a little stunned at first but soon their expressions softened.
It was Christy who spoke again first, "You wouldn't happen to also be half witch?" She almost looked excited.
"Yes, how did you know?"
"It was just an educated guess. There's a legend about the two of you, did you know that?"
Jason's jaw dropped slightly, "Really? What do you mean?"
"Give me one second" Christy practically ran into the house leaving the three of us stood waiting.
Jason turned to Bradley whilst Christy was inside, "You both seem a lot happier with Sylvie being half wolf than I thought you'd be?"
"You're our friend Jason, and you're Christy's family. There might still be some in our pack who don't like the other races but we're happy for you. We're prepared to stand by you no matter what, even if we have to fight for the two of you." He spoke quite seriously, so I could tell that he was being honest.
"Thank you, it means a lot to me, to both of us" Jason beamed and I nodded in agreement. It was nice knowing that there were people out there who wouldn't judge you.
A few minutes later, Christy returned with a book in her hands. She quickly flicked through it finding the right page before handing it to us. Sure enough there was a passage about an Alpha Wolf and a half wolf half witch who are a mated pair. They lead people out of the dark when all hope seems lost.
There wasn't much else in the book, but it was scary to think that we were supposed to be legends.
I looked up at Jason to find that he was already looking down at me.
"Do you think that we can do it?" I asked.
"When I'm with you, I feel like I can do anything, so I definitely want to try" he leaned down and nuzzled into me.
For a moment I forgot about everything until I heard Christy's voice "Awwwwe! You too are so cute together!"
For the rest of the party we mainly stayed talking with Christy and Bradley. I was introduced to a few other people, we raided the food table and even played a few funny party games. But soon enough, we'd said goodbye and I was in the passenger seat of Jason's car as we drove home.
"Did you enjoy the party?" Jason asked as he drove.
"Definitely, your friends were very nice. I had a great time." It wasn't dark outside which told me we hadn't been there too long. I looked around and it suddenly dawned on me that we'd been driving for too long to be heading home. "Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise, I wanted to let you see more of the kind of person I am. So there's somewhere I want you to see."
It didn't take us long to get there, but it almost seemed like it was in the middle of nowhere.
"This is a cabin I used to come to when I needed to get away from it all. My parents gave it to me when I was 18 in case I found my mate and needed somewhere private to take her."
I giggled at the idea and he quickly spoke again.
"I'm not planning for anything though, I just wanted you to see it. It's very special to me as I used to come here when I couldn't cope and just needed to be alone..." He rambled to try and make sure that I didn't get the wrong idea.
"Jason, Jason it's fine, I trust you." I offered, trying to show that I believed him.
It must have worked as he stopped rambling and took my hand. He showed me around the cabin answering any questions I had.
"and this," He said as we reached the final room, the master bedroom. "Is my room, or I guess our room now if we ever stay here together." I looked up at him to find him beaming down at me. His eyes showed so much love in them that it nearly made me melt right there.
"If it's ok with you Sylvie, I thought that I could take you on a walk around the grounds here, almost like a first date if you will?"
"I'd love to," it might not be every girls dream but a Romantic walk sounded perfect to me.
He took my hand again and led me towards the back door of the cabin. It opened out onto a small partially fenced garden the led over to the woods. It made sense that they'd want easy access to the forest, considering that they were wolves.
We continued to walk out a little way into the forest. The trees were evergreen so even with the cold weather, everything seemed beautifully green. It reminded me of the place my family and I had been staying in, it was also surrounded by woodland which also meant I had no idea where it was.
I could feel my sadness taking over me again so I pushed those thoughts to the side for now. Instead, I focused on the amazing guy holding my hand. We walked side by side as he led me along a small path.
"Here we are," he breathed as we reached a small clearing with rock benches lined around. He took me over to one of them and let me sit down before he spoke again. "If it's not too weird for you, I wanted to show you my wolf side, it seems strange having my mate not know what I look like."
The thought excited me, the only other wolves I'd seen had been my mother and my sister, I'd never seen a male's wolf side and was interested to see the difference. "I... I'd like that" I smiled,
"But I warn you, being an alpha does mean that I'm a slight bit bigger than other wolves" he smirked.
I opened my mouth to reply to the slight innuendo in his words but before I could, he started to shift.
It was unusual to watch as his hands were replaced by paws and his limbs seemed to stretch and bend in different ways. Within a minute, the handsome guy that had been stood before me was quickly replaced by a rather large wolf.
I'd normally have been afraid of the large creature in front of me but because it was Jason I simply stood up and walked towards him. I could see the close resemblance to the little plush wolf now. "You're much nicer than the plush though" I accidentally thought aloud and I swear I almost heard the wolf chuckle.
I reached my hand up to stroke his muzzle and he leaned into my hand.
*So what do you think of my wolf form then?* I heard him think.
"Very impressive, you're stunning. But how can I hear you right now?"
*All wolves can do it, it takes practice but it helps us to communicate in this form*
"Oh right" I sighed, yet another thing I didn't know about, I was starting to worry that I'd annoy him with how little I knew about things.
*Don't worry Sylvie, you could never annoy me. I like helping you learn about things*
"Don't tell me you heard that?" I cringed
*yup, it's another thing that helps us communicate*
I shook my head, trying to hide my embarrassment whilst not being able to stop myself from smiling.
*Can I see you shift too?* I looked up and even as a wolf, you could see the fear in his eyes as he waited for me to respond.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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