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Major Arcana

Clary sat in front of me, the famous cup placed in her hands, a shimmering gleam of pride appeared in her eyes as she hesitated before passing me the Cup

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Clary sat in front of me, the famous cup placed in her hands, a shimmering gleam of pride appeared in her eyes as she hesitated before passing me the Cup.

I leaned forward on my bed and took it off her, a slight stinging pain but also a surge of power flowed through me. I gazed down at it in wonder, were demons even allowed to hold this Cup? Well at least I now get why they couldn't just go to the shop and buy a cup, this one was beautiful. "So you finally found it?" I asked, looking up at her.

"Yes." The redhead nodded her head "I couldn't get it out until Jace and I were running from a Shax demon and we ended up at a dead end."

"That what happened?" I questioned, watching as her voice wavered slightly, her bright green eyes met my dark brown ones.

"I reached my hand into the tarot card and pulled it out, Ari, I controlled the demons to go away, the Cup allowed me control over them."

"Does that mean, you could control me?" I asked in a small voice, Clary shrugged and stood up, holding her hands out, I hesitated before placing my hand in hers, letting her pull me up. "What are you doing?"

She didn't answer as she took the Cup from my hands, I stood in the middle of my room while Clary stood in front of me while she raised the cup. "Go to the window and jump!" She demanded.

I felt no control while my mind became foggy. I walked towards the window, my face emotionless as I pulled open the window and climbed onto the ledge. I was about to jump before Clary's voice yelled out for me to stop.

I shook my head as my mind became clear, i gripped onto the side of the window as someone wrapped their arms around my waist and pulled me a away and onto the safety of the floor. "Clary, you couldn't have tried that another way?" Jace asked, pulling me to face him, be began to check for any injuries.

"Well at least we know this Cup is dangerous towards her." Clary crossed her arms. Jace sighed as he pulled me towards the bed and sat me down while he sat Beside me.

"You didn't have to almost make me jump out of a bloody window, Clary." I scoffed but smirked "You're lucky you told me to stop or you would technically be my murderer."

Clary laughed but shook her head, she walked over to Jace and I "Ariana, have you leaned anything else about yourself?"

I nodded my head "I know that every doppelgänger is destined to die somehow, they are designed to go into battle and put everybody before themselves." I started "Katerina was the original owner to my face, but she died at the hands of her lover who also had demon blood like me in his system. He didn't mean to do it, the demon side got the best of him."

"That's horrible." Clary gasped, placing her hand up to her mouth, Jace placed his hand onto my knee while I placed my hand over it.

"Marlo was the first doppelgänger, she was also my grandmother." I smiled "She died protecting me from Valentine, after she gave me to Magnus to be sent to the Lewis's, she went to go and see her lover, Raphael Santiago, but she was attacked by a group of demons who killed her slowly and painfully." I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I looked away from Clary and towards the floor "Raphael found her, tried to save her but it was too late, she was gone."

"Raphael Santiago?" Clary muttered to herself but I still heard.

"Marlo was protecting you?" Jace spoke up, my gaze went onto him as I nodded my head.

"Valentine knew of the blood I carry since he did this to me, Marlo didn't want me to be used as a weapon towards Shadowhunters, so she took me away." I started, Jace turned his hand so I could hold it. "I will forever be great full for the sacrifice she made that day for me. So if the times comes that I have an opportunity to save any of you, I'll take it, I'll sacrifice myself and welcome death with open arms."

"Ariana." Clary shook her head as she placed her hand into my shoulder "you'll do no such thing, your life is important, don't waste it."

"I won't me wasting it, Clary." I smiled at her lightly "I'll be using it for the good, if my life was to end for many to be saved, I would do it in a heartbeat, that's what doppelgängers do, we are warriors who were destined to fight."

"As long as I'm with you, you won't be doing any sacrificing." Jace responded "Your life is very important to me, to all of us, so we won't be letting you end that anytime soon."

"I'm not saying that I'll do it straight away." I replied "I'm just saying that don't be surprised if I run in front of you in a battle because a demon was to attack you or if we faced Valentine and he tried to kill you." I looked at Clary who was shocked while Jace was the same as her "It's what I'm meant to do, so let it be when it happens, don't stop me because as soon as I die, another me will be born, another doppelgänger."

"What do you mean?" Jace asked.

"Normally when a doppelgänger dies, another is born, Marlo was a vampire so when she died my mother gave birth to me, the second doppelgänger."

Jace nodded his head In understanding before he asked "Do the new doppelgängers have any memory of past doppelgängers?"

I shook my head "We're all different, Katerina was a hopeless romantic, she saw the best in people, always did. Marlo was caring and kind, always doing things for others. But I'm sarcastic and dangerous." I smiled slightly "We're all different, never the same but that makes us unique I guess."

"You're not dangerous." Clary shook her head "You're brave and definitely a Warrior Princess, you're amazing."

I smiled at her before I yawned into my hand. "Okay, Ari, time for you to sleep." Jace whispered, I nodded my head and said goodnight to Clary who left the room to go to her own.

"Will you stay with me?" I questioned looking at him, Jace nodded his head with a smile on his face as we both climbed into the bed and cuddled up with each other before I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Authors Note,
There may not be a part tomorrow since it's my 16th birthday and I wanna spend time with family!

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