Chapter 11

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"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." Mark Twain


Chapter Eleven

"What is your grandfather like?" asked Kit. "How does he know so much about politics?"

Olivia shrugged her shoulders. In all the time that she had lived here, she had rarely ever seen her grandfather leave his armchair, let alone display in interest in parliament. "I do not know. But he is a dear, dear man. The dearest old man you would ever meet. I do love him very much."

Kit and Olivia climbed the stairs together to find Bernard sitting in his usual armchair, a cup of tea on the table beside him, and today's newspaper in his hands.

Owing to Bernard's increasing deafness, he did not hear them enter the room. Olivia gently tapped her grandfather on the shoulder and then kissed the top of his head.

Bernard craned his neck, and a wide, happy smile spread across his face when he saw it was Olivia that had come to visit him.

"This is a nice surprise," Bernard remarked. He then noticed Kit hovering in the doorway, waiting to be acknowledged before he entered the room. "And who is this?" he asked.

"This is my friend, Kit Kensington, Grandpapa," Olivia introduced. "Kit, this is my grandfather, Bernard Murray, baronet."

Kit smiled nervously as he approached Bernard. He bowed respectfully. "Sir, it is a pleasure to meet you."

"Hello, Kurt," Bernard replied in greeting.

Olivia and Kit exchanged a glance. There was no point in correcting Bernard. It was a miracle that he had heard the 'k' sound. Olivia wondered what her name might have been had Bernard not heard it before his hearing had started to go.

Olivia knelt down beside her grandfather. "Grandpapa, have you any insight on government?" Olivia asked. "Aunt Lorna seemed to think you would."

Bernard's face softened. "Of course you can have a biscuit, darling. There you go." Bernard lifted the tea plate from the table and offered the ginger biscuits to her.

Olivia obliged him and took a biscuit. She then gave one to Kit. "Politics, Grandpapa, politics," she insisted. "Have you any information to offer us?" Olivia noticed a headline in the newspaper that her grandfather had been reading.

Parliament Chaos: MP's Vote on Increasing Grain Cost

"Here, Grandpapa," Olivia urged Bernard to follow her finger as she underlined the word "MP's" with her fingernail.

Bernard read the word, and said, "MP's?"

Olivia nodded, and then pointed at his chest.

Bernard's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh, well I suppose I never did tell you that story. Lorna probably told you about my old days in London, did she?"

Olivia shook her head, exchanging a look of bewilderment with Kit. She had not known that her grandfather had ever spent any time in London. She could not imagine him anywhere other than the chair he was currently occupying.

"Yes, it is true. Your grandfather was once a member of the House of Commons once upon a time."

Olivia sat back on her knees.

"I started with good intentions. I had not the brains for university, but I had the heart for politics, for making changes, you see. I always held those folks in London with high esteem. They were the ones who decided for us. And sometimes those decisions were the wrong ones. I thought I might change them."

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