"The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better." Robert F. Kennedy
Chapter Fourteen
The Hadley's door was opened by a smartly dressed servant who took their coats. Kit and Olivia were then led into the Hadley's dining room, their company having already arrived and taken their seats.
The men all rose as soon as Kit and Olivia entered. Olivia saw that the Mr and Mrs Hadley were joined by two other couples. She recognised Mr Roger West. He, like Mr Hadley, was one of the wealthiest men in Hertford. As a landed gentleman, he made his fortune from dozens of rents, and held a position of power over the greater population.
The other couple was one that Olivia had not been expecting to see. Lawrence Powell had joined them for dinner. Of course the sitting member was present. These men wanted to compare their options. Their current puppet, or Kit.
Olivia began to realise that this dinner was a lot more important than they had originally thought.
"Sir Christopher Kensington and Miss Olivia Pendleton," introduced the servant.
Olivia put a smile on her face, hoping to mask her nerves. She stole a glance up at Kit and saw that he was doing something similar.
"Kensington," greeted Mr Hadley, "so good of you to join us this evening." He beckoned Kit and Olivia in, though Olivia noticed that he did not acknowledge her presence. Mr Hadley gestured to a chair for Kit, while Olivia was guided to a chair on the opposite side of the round table, sitting in between two of the wives.
Kit's eyes flashed to Olivia's, as he regretfully watched her be removed from his side. What annoyed Olivia most was that a large floral centrepiece was blocking her view of the men opposite her. It was as though the arrangement was specifically placed there to keep her out of the conversation.
Olivia knew that she needed to make the best of this evening for Kit. If she could not partake in the men's conversation, then she needed to use the influence that these women had over their husbands.
"Hello," she greeted nervously.
Two ladies were seated to her left, while the last was on her right. The lady on her right had red hair, like Olivia, but it was perhaps a little more golden. Olivia liked the colour. She was very pretty, but her fine bone structure, combined with a disapproving expression on her face, made her seem very severe.
"Lovely to make your acquaintance, Miss Pendleton. I am Mrs Virginia Hadley," she introduced herself. "Next to you is Mrs Margaret West, and Mrs Nancy Powell."
"It is a pleasure," said Olivia.
"What are your thoughts on the bill, Kensington?" Olivia heard Mr Hadley ask Kit. "Powell here has some interesting opinions. I would like to know what you think."
What bill were they talking about? Olivia craned her neck but she could not see them from around the irritating foliage.
"Your dress is ... very pretty," Margaret West complimented half-heartedly, taking Olivia's attention away from the men's conversation. Margaret was also an attractive woman, perhaps around her Aunt Faith's age. Though her skirt concealed it well, Olivia could tell that Margaret was with child.
"Thank you," murmured Olivia. "My mother had it made for me a few years ago."
"Oh yes, we could tell by the sleeves," interjected Nancy Powell. Nancy looked the most bitter of the three women. Her hair was light blonde, and her eyes were a cold blue. The lines on her face told Olivia that she scowled a lot, and with good reason knowing her husband's reputation.

Have Hope
Tiểu thuyết Lịch sửKit Kensington was a boy born with nothing. Olivia Pendleton was a girl born with everything. While Kit was fortunate enough to be taken in and raised by a loving family, revolutionary Olivia was cast out and left to fight for her beliefs alone. A...