Chapter 31: Sketchbooks and Fights

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Before the rational guy had even realised that his friend was no longer following him Takeshi had begun his advance toward us, fury burning in his eyes. I had only a moment to wonder what kind of beast I had just unleashed before my battle instincts kicked in in full swing. People were starting to scurry out of the way, sensing the fight about to take place.

Taking a defensive position in front of Kazehiro I waited for Takeshi's first attack. I didn't know what style of fighting he would use but with his large physique I knew I couldn't take any direct hits or go against him pitting my strength against his, it was a sure fire way for me to lose.

"Get out of my way!" He snarled, reaching for me so he could shove me from his path to get to Kazehiro.

Flashbacks of training with Hikage raced through my mind, Takeshi's extended arm was like a thrusting sword, aiming straight for my chest. Just as he was about make contact I twisted out the way, giving his arm a diagonal tug. With his weight already going forwards having been prepared to push me, I had enhanced his momentum and sent him off balance to the side. Takeshi stumbled a little but remained on his feet, his surprise turned into a sour expression.

"You got lucky." He muttered.

I now knew there was a good chance that he was right handed, as his natural instinct had been to grab me with his right. If he was going to test the waters with another attack, there was a good chance it'd be with that arm.

I quickly got in between the two boys again knowing it was Kazehiro he really wanted to fight.


Naoki pushed through the crowd that had gathered, appearing at my side.

I saw the shift in Takeshi's attention as he registered Naoki, who seemed a far more interesting looking opponent. Taking up something more like a stance he lunged to take a jab at Naoki. Ducking low I redirected the jab upwards and sideways and hooked my foot around Takeshi's ankle which hadn't made it to the floor, and swung hard, ripping the foot out from under him. Takeshi fell hard to the carpeted corridor floor, landing on his side, a grunt escaping him as the wind was knocked from his lungs.

"What are you thinking!? You have the tournament! Don't you dare get injured after all the hard work we put in! This isn't your fight." I shoved Naoki back into the crowd of people.

Conflict raged across his face, he was torn between trying to protect his friends and trying to protect the effort we had put in.

A tug on my jumper made me stumble backwards, I watched as the hand that had been about to latch on to my ankle missed.

"This isn't your fight either. You've done enough. Look after this while I settle things." Kazehiro roughly thrust the book into my arms and gave me a push over in the direction of Naoki. I nodded. Hikage's fighting spirit had awakened in Kazehiro, I could see his killing intent blazing in his eyes, his face suddenly full of determination. Kazehiro wouldn't lose to someone so clumsy and full of holes, I knew that for a fact.

Takeshi had got back onto his feet, his features twisted in rage.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting. I'm ready to face you." Kazehiro stated calmly, staring Takeshi down.

Takeshi took up a guard then began his assault, once again opening with a right jab. Kazehiro saw through it, not looking at all fazed as he moved his head out of the way then dipped under a left hook, stepping to Takeshi's left, facing his exposed flank and back. However Kazehiro didn't strike as I'm sure he would have done to me, a punch to the kidneys would have been all but too easy for him, he instead chose instead to put ground between them. I knew Kazehiro would want to end the fight with as few injuries on both sides as possible.

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