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Hey guys sorry its so super late!!!!!! I really didn't mean for it, i just have tons of exams right now. I really appreciate every single vote and comment but i was actually really disheartened because my comments fell by almost half between part 1 and 2, please give it a chance, please comment and vote and like and leave opinions and suggestions, I won't make you wait like this again. Thank you for all the love x

Her phone rings for the 5th time, and her fingers clench to hold herself back from answering. It was the lunch break on set but she sat on the side, watching the spot boys arrange the scene to avoid where everybody was eating their lunch.

It had been three weeks since she had read those sick comments, and she had lost the appetite to stomach anything since. She avoided Zain tactfully, she retreated back in to her shy self, she worked tirelessly without eating and exersized as soon as she got home until she felt faint.

She tried to hide it under her smile, but the weight was dropping off her body, she started to look paler and sickly, but she wore long oversized sweatshirts because she was ashamed of her body.

It was when her phone rang a 6th time that she finally let herself pick it up and place it against her ear.

"Aditi?!-" High strung worry shook in his voice as Zain called out for her.

"Zain. I'm here."  Her voice was a mere whisper, she had even lost the will to speak nowadays.

"God damnit Aditi" He took a huge breath, as if he had been to scared to breathe till then, a sense of relief flooded his face. "You scared the hell out of me idiot...."

"I'm fine Zain..." She reassured, guilt coiling in her stomach at his worry.

"But I wasn't fine when I couldn't find you anywhere!" He yelled in desperation, placing a hand on his chest to steady his racing heart that panicked as soon as he couldn't find her. "Where the hell are you?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry- I was just waiting on the sets..." She controlled her wavering voice, not eating had made her extremely sensitive and tears now found her eyes in the smallest of situations.

He immediately softened as he hears the hesitation in her voice, guilt punched him in the gut.

He whispered gently, in that voice that had that magical capability to immediately soothe her, "At least pick up the phone next time... okay Adu?"

"Haan... I'm so sorry..." Her voice was warped in pain, she squeezed her eyes shut. She felt like everything she did these days was wrong. That she could never do anything right.

"don't apologise, its okay... you never have to say sorry to me, you know that." He frowned, he could sense her sadness and it stung him, he rubbed the back of his neck in worry, it was a habit of his that she had always found adorable. "Please don't get upset now adu... just tell me you've eaten."

She stayed silent, unable to form a coherent string of words as a meagre excuse. She didn't want to lie straight through her teeth- not to him.

"Adu? You've eaten right?" Concern loomed in his voice, tying knots in his stomach.


"Shit. Tum khana nahi khaya hai na? Pagli. Why didn't you tell me?" He sighed at her antics, his voice sounded anxious and she heard scrambling and rummaging about on the other side of the phone. "You don't move an inch, okay? I'll come with something."

"Okay..." she sighed in defeat, slumping in hopelessness. He was insanely stubborn when it came to her, she couldn't get away without eating.

"I love you..." He whispered this softly with a smile that he had reserved just for her and she closed her eyes, it was almost as if she could feel his hot breath fanning her cheek right then. She would never tire of hearing it, even if she struggled to believe it. It was a thing of his, he never cut a call without telling her he loves her.

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