In The Car

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"What if they don’t like me? I've already lost my mother, I can't lose you," Drizella cried against Henry’s shoulder.  

Henry grabbed Drizella's hand and whispered into her ear: “They will love you. My Moms are the strongest believers in true love."  

"Hey, that’s not true! I think your gram and gramps has me and Emma beat on that,” Regina called from the front seat. Everyone in the car started laughing.  

"See? Mom already likes you. She taught you magic. It's going to be okay," Henry kissed the top of her head and hugged her tighter.  

While Lucy was in her comma, Henry confided in Drizella, and they became close. After Lucy woke up, the pair began dating. The curse was accidently broken when the pair shared True Love’s Kiss. Henry realized he never loved Ella, but he'd always love Lucy, and he didn't want to hurt her, so he broke up with Drizella. The torture Mother Gothel casted on Henry began soon after. Drizella found a way to stop the poison. Henry recognized that life without Drizella was worse than the torture. The pair got back together and were now on their way to Storybrooke.

"Emma's going to love you. Emma loves everyone, even me," Regina said sadly with a look of regret. The rest of the journey was spent in silent.  

Regina spent the whole time trying to think of anything other than the beautiful blonde back in Storybrooke. Regina was unsure if she could cope with seeing Emma so happy with that one-handed, no good pirate. That thought brought Regina to that fateful day  

*The day before Emma's wedding to Hook * 

Emma and Regina sat at the table making final preparations for the wedding. "Why aren't you coming tomorrow? I really need my best friend there for me," Emma suddenly asked, causing Regina to jump, but she stayed silent. "You were always selfish and couldn’t watch others get their happy ending," Emma accused while storming out.  

"I LOVE YOU!" Regina screamed. " I Love you. That’s why I can't come to see you marry that no-good pirate. I want you to be happy. That’s all I ever want." Regina said barely above a whisper. Realizing what she said, Regina walked out.  

Emma chased after her "Only you could make ‘I love you’ sound like a command. How dare you say this the day before my god damn wedding?!"  

Regina risked one final look at Emma before walking away from her chance at a happy ending.

*present day* 

Regina cried silent tears while Drizella spent the journey thinking about what Henry's other mother is like. If she is anything like henry described her to be like, she was sure to like her. She just hoped Emma was nothing like her mother. Drizella felt guilty for her mother's death. If she trusted her mother and not Gothel, maybe she, Anastasia, and mother could have been the perfect family.  

Henry held Drizella's hand while thinking about Lucy. He loved her more than anything, and he hurt her by choosing Drizella. He could still see her distressed face when he told her he loved Drizella, not Ella. He asked her if she wanted to stay with him for a while, but she was so angry she wouldn’t even look at him. That hurt Henry more than the poison ever could. He realized the pain he put his mother through, and he was so sorry for hurting Regina the way he did.  

Young Anastasia felt so out of place. She knew none of these people, apart from her sister. She spent her time thinking of her mother. Anastasia knew what her mother did was wrong, but then she sacrificed herself for Drizella. Was her Mother the monster everyone made her out to be?

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