Meeting Toby Swan

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*meanwhile at Emma's* 

Henry lead Drizella and Anastasia up the path to his Ma's house. The big grey structure was intimidating to Drizella. The yellow bug was still parked outside of the house. The picket white fence gave the impression that the people who lived there where the perfect family. To an outsider, the house was perfect for raising a small family, but to Drizella it was scary. What if Emma thought she wasn't good enough for her precious son and forced them to break up? 

Henry noticed Drizella's tense nature, so he took her shaking hand into his strong hands and whispered into her ear "Ma will love you Dizzy, it's okay, and even if she doesn’t, which I highly doubt, I'll never leave you. You’re my happy ending, my true love."  

Henry knocked on the door with his spare hand and waited for Emma or Killian to answer the door. To their surprise, a tall man with crazy blonde curls and the most striking blue eyes opened the door. The man just looked at the group. Henry heard his Ma call from inside the house "Toby, who is it?"  

"I don't know. Come and see for yourself," Toby called back. 

"OMG HENRY!" Emma called, running to her son and hugging him.  "I can’t believe how grown up you are. I guess I can't call you kiddo anymore," Emma laughed, looking Henry up and down. Turning around to Toby, she said: "Toby, this is your brother Henry. Henry this is my son, Toby."  

"Ma, I've missed you so much. It's nice to finally have a sibling. I'd like you two to meet Drizella, my true love, and her younger-older sister, Anastasia," Henry announced, gesturing to the two women standing on the porch. "I wish you could meet your granddaughter, Lucy, but she's mad at me." said Henry with a sad look.

At that comment, Drizella broke out crying "I'm sorry. It's all my fault Lucy is mad at you."

Emma took action immediately by hugging Drizella and whispering "Shsh, I'm sure it's not your fault. Children are just dramatic. I mean look at Henry. His mother was amazing, and yet he ran away to find ME." Everyone began to laugh.

They walked into the house, and that's when Henry noticed a certain one-handed pirate was absent. "Ma, where's Hook? " Henry queried, looking around trying to see his step-dad. "And why does Toby look like he's in his twenties?" 

"Me and Hook got a divorce two months after you left. I realized I love another. I couldn't bear to see Hook, so I traveled realms to find you and your mom. One of the realms aged you quicker. As soon as I noticed, I put a spell on myself, but I didn't do it to Toby just in case I couldn't reverse it. We gave up a month ago. That’s why Toby looks like he's in his Twenties," Emma told Henry, looking lovingly over at her two sons.  

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