In The Morning

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Once morning came, Henry was awakened to the smell of pancakes. He noticed Drizella was absent from the bed. She must’ve been downstairs. Getting up, he went to check on Anastasia. She was peacefully still asleep. He looked at the clock that read “10:30”. Deciding that it was time for her to wake, he gently shook her and whispered, "Sia, it's time to get up. Come on.” He loved having her here with them. She reminded him of his little Lucy.  

Walking Down the stairs, he heard his ma talking to Drizella:  

"Lucy is just angry things didn't work out the way she planned. It's not your fault." 

"But they would have if I wasn't there."  

"He would have still left Jacinda or Ella, and if he didn't meet you then he would have met you a different time, because you’re true loves."  

"Thanks Emma."  

"No worries. That’s what mother-in-laws are for."  

Henry was so glad that his true love and his ma were getting along. He knew they would. Henry just wanted to find out who the other person his mother loved. He had no clue. He also wanted to go see his dad and meet his younger sister. But first, food, then to the Jolly Roger to find out ma's love.

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