what Happened To My House?

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"We're here. You guys can go on in. I think I'm gonna go see Mal," Regina said.  

"Why aren't you coming? I'm sure Ma has missed you "  

"Me and your other mother didn't part on good terms," Regina said disappointedly.  

Regina drove back to her old mansion that she had so many memories of Young Henry in. One of her fondest memories was when Henry was two, and he could barely hold himself up. They were out in the garden. Henry waddled over to Regina and whispered in her ear, "I love you, Mommy. Can you pwease pway with me?" Regina agreed immediately. That day was spent just the two of them pretending to be dragons and knights. It was from that day forward she started calling Henry her little Knight-Prince. He was her world, and nothing would change that.

Mindlessly, Regina opened the car door and walked up to her house. When she opened the door, it was like a bomb had hit it. Toys littered the floor. The floor was nowhere to be seen. There were baby clothes everywhere. Orange splatters stained Regina's once white walls. Blonde curls came around the corner. Regina knew it was Mal.  

"I thought I told you to look after my house, not destroy it," Regina intimated annoyedly, causing Maleficent to jump. She may be the queen of darkness, but she was a big baby.  

"Sorry, Reggie. While you were gone Lily and Neal had a little girl, Calida, who is quite the hand full. " Mal apologized. "Why are you here, anyways? I thought you would have gone straight to Emma," Mal questioned.  

"This is my house,” Regina sassed. Looking at the ground, Regina mumbled "I don't think she will want to see me.”  

"Oh, I'm sure she'll want to see you, but anyways, what's Henry's new lady love like?" Maleficent interrogated Regina like a school girl wanting the latest gossip.

" Oh, Drizella is a nice enough girl. She just lost her mother, her older-younger sister has been entrusted into her care, and she did curse us, so yeah. She's just great," Regina informed.  

"She sounds like a dream. Can't wait to meet her," Mal mocked.  

"Hey Mom did you know Regina's back in town? We better get this place immaculate before she murders...." Lily drifted off when she saw Regina. "Oh, hey Auntie Reggie. How was your time away? And how is Henry? I heard he has a daughter and is like the same age as Emma. " Lily rambled to distract Regina from the mess she's already seen.  

"You heard right, but that doesn't explain why my house looks like a bomb hit it! " sassed Regina.  

"I'm really sorry, Auntie Reggie, but Calida keeps changing into a dragon and being difficult. I'm really sorry. I'll clean it up for you. I promise," Lily begged.  

" It's fine Lils but next time you're going to scrub and clean " with that Regina waved her hand and the place was completely clean nothing was out of place. Lily let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

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