Chapter 1

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    The Red Room was damp and the air coming through the unlit fireplace was sending shivers through our bones. We had no wood or any way to light it. It seemed Providence wasn't on our side today.

    It was an outburst on the part of Monty that caused Mrs. Reed to throw us in here. Monty now sat in the corner with a frigid posture and set jaw. He was no doubt planning his revenge. We weren't sure how long we'd be in here for. Based on past experiences, we could be shivering in here anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days. In spite of this, no one resented Monty. Mrs. Reed would have found some excuse to throw us in here—outburst or not.

    Since we had given up on the fireplace, we all huddled together in the corner, hoping to stay warm. This worked well for the two smallest—Fritz and I, but not so well for Jem, who was sat closest to the fireplace. He was the oldest and, therefore, the largest, so he blocked the wind for us. Will reached out his hand to me and I held it. I looked at him and saw that he seemed to be in another world. Even though our lives were collectively awful, I wouldn't trade knowing these boys for the world. We had been together ever since our orphan group was dropped off at Mr. and Mrs. Reed's door.

     The door suddenly flew open and banged against the wall. I jerked my head up and saw Mrs. Reed. This was strange since it was usually Bessie who came to let us out. Anyone could see the foul mood radiating off her features as she stood framed in the doorway. All 5 of us dispersed and Will let go of my hand. She stormed over to our corner of the room and fear overtook me. My stomach dropped, but I held my head up high and closed my eyes, willing her punishment forward. Her hand stung against my face and she said, "Not today." Her laugh pierced the Red Room's tense air.

     She whipped her skirts around and set her determined eye on Fitz. She slowly and deliberately walked over to him, never breaking eye contact. Sweat dripped down Fitz' forehead as he met her gaze. His lip quivered out the words, "Her eye," and his fists turned white as he clenched them by his side. She bent down, and placed her face parallel to his. Her beer scented breath touched Fritz's face as she whispered, "Someone has to pay."


     Out in the hall, Abbot walked past Mrs. Reed on her way to clean one of the spare rooms. "Would you like me to bring the brandy up to your room later this evening, Miss?" Mrs. Reed maniacally laughed, "No, Abbot. You mistook my outburst for sadness. Ha! Tonight I'm celebrating. Bring up the champagne. The brats are off to school!" 

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