Chapter One: Matsumoto's Planning

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I can't wait for tonight! Matsumoto thought, smiling to herself as she ran into the captain's office.

Captain Hitsugaya looked up when she came in. "What's the rush?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to the party I'm having tonight," She said.

"A party? Rangiku, I'm busy. I can't go to any party." He went back to his work.

"But Captain!"

"I said I'm not going."

"Just think about it, okay?" He was silent for a moment, and then sighed, which meant he would think it over. Matsumoto ran out of the office and thought of the who else she was going to ask. She decided to go ask Renji and Byakuya next, so she flash-stepped to the squad six barracks. Renji was just heading out of the barrack when she had appeared.

"Oh, Rangiku," He said, a little surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm having a party and I want you to come."

"All right! Haven't had a party in a while."

"I also want Captain Kuchiki to come. Is he around?"

"No, but I'll let him know when I see him."

"See ya tonight! It's going to be at the squad ten barracks!" She flash-stepped away, already knowing who she would go to next. She appeared in the squad eleven barracks to find Ikkaku and Yumichika, but she could only find Ikkaku. "Hey!"

"Huh?" He looked at her. "When did you get here?"

"Just now. But anyway, I'm having a party.  You'll be coming, right? It's at squad ten barracks tonight."


"Rangy!" Yachiru exclaimed, appearing from behind Ikkaku.

"Lieutenant Yachiru!" Ikkaku said.

"Hey Pin-head!"

Ikkaku gritted his teeth to keep from saying anything, even though his anger showed obvious on his face.

"Hi Lieutenant Yachiru!" Rangiku said.

"Rangy, what are you doing here?" The pink-haired girl asked.

"I'm having a party tonight! Would you like to come?"

"Will there be sweets?"


"Will Byaky be there?"

"Most likely!"



"Yay!" She went running off, probably to go tell Captain Zaraki about the party. Ikkaku shot Rangiku a glare.

"What?" She asked. "How could I saw no to her?"

He just sighed and said, "Whatever."

"Oh, and do you know where Yumichika is?"

"Not a clue."

"Hm, all right. Tell him to come tonight when you see him." She flash-stepped to squad three. "Kira!!!!!!!"

"Huh?" The door slid open and a young male Shinigami stood there. "Lieutenant Matsumoto!"

"Is Kira here?" She asked.

"I'll go get him." The man went off inside and came back a few minutes later with Kira.

"Rangiku?" Kira asked, surprised to see her.

"I'm having a party tonight at my squad. Want to come?"

Matsumoto's Party (Bleach Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now