Chapter Five: A scarf

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“You helped with the party, so you deserve to go first!!!” She shoved the hat at you, not really giving you a choice on the matter. Sighing, you put your hand in the hat. Your hand brushed something soft and, your curiosity getting the better of you, you pulled the item out. It was a light blue scarf that was extremely soft. Rangiku smiled widely.

Oh no, who the hell did I get? You wondered. She looked like she had a plan, as if she had expected you to pull out the scarf.

“You’re lucky!!” She squealed happily, making you a little uncomfortable with the situation. She pushed, no, shoved you into the closet and closed the door.

Okay, what the hell? You heard yells and loud crashes on the other side of the door and your eyes widened by who you might have gotten.

The door opened suddenly and you saw Rangiku throw someone in with you. The person landed on top of you and Rangiku shut the door, saying, “Have fun in there, kids!”

Kids? What does she mean by that? You wondered, but you didn’t for long, as the guy had yelled back, “I am not a kid, Matsumoto!!!!!!” You realized you were alone with Captain Hitsugaya, who you had not just irritated just a few minutes ago.

“Um, Captain Hitsugaya…” You said, a bit shyly. “Could you please get off me?”

“Uh, yeah, sorry,” He got up quickly and held out a hand to help you up. You gladly accepted it. You sat down, leaning against the wall. You had gone from being all bored to shy. The reason being that you really liked the captain, maybe even loved him. You usually weren’t shy around him. Actually, a lot of the times when you two were together, whether it be alone or in a small group, you two would joke around like old friends. Although you would sometimes hassle him about his height, which you weren’t that tall either, so he often retaliated by doing the same. In all truth, he was your favorite captain, and you wished you were in his squad.

He sat down next to you and you could see the scowl on his face.

“Is there something wrong?” You asked, thinking that he didn’t want to be here.

“Yeah, I should’ve said no to this whole party,” He said, his eyes closed in frustration.


“Because it’s a stupid idea. We have duties to do, but all Matsumoto wants to do is get wasted. And I know she didn’t do any of the paperwork.”

“What do you mean?” You couldn’t believe that he knew. Well, you could, but you didn’t want him to.

“I looked over it when she made me change into something. Both of your handwriting is different. It was easy to tell you did it all. I can’t believe you lied just so this party could happen.” You felt like you were a child caught red-handed with their hand in the cookie jar.

“Sorry, captain…”

“Then you went and invited our enemy in to join us, as if you didn’t have a care in the world. And when Julian came, you had to get smart-alike with me.”

You could tell he was real irritated and maybe even close to being pissed, which you weren’t fond seeing him explode. You looked down and said, “If I hadn’t invited Aizen and Gin in, they might’ve started trouble with us all and made this night terrible. I didn’t do it because I didn’t care. And the only reason I got smart-alike with you is because I was trying to lighten the mood a little.” You were a little guilty about doing it now. And you were starting to think that he hated to be stuck with you for even one minute, yet alone seven. Just the thought of it made your eyes tear up a little, so you got up and walked to the door. Knowing Rangiku wouldn’t open it until at least the seven minutes were done, you leaned against the wall next to the door, crossing your arms in front of your chest and closing your eyes.

Matsumoto's Party (Bleach Fanfiction) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now