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wow look who's actually motivated to put effort into a story after the third chapter


"well, does this mean i can use angel in more circumstances now?"
"i guess it does, frankie." i smiled, and hugged him.
"coolio." he mumbled, and he wrapped his arms around me.
"you're freezing, y/n! here, take my hoodie, it'll keep you warm." frank scrambled to take off his grey hoodie, and i laughed to myself.
"i swear that only happens, like, three months into the relationship."
"i don't care, you're gonna get pneumonia out here!" he said worriedly.
"frankie, it's 4° out here. that seems unlikely." i giggled as he tried to wiggle his hoodie over my head.
"work with me here, angel." he grunted, and i lifted my arms up. finally, i managed to get the hoodie on.
"much better." he smiled, and kissed the top of my head.
"what do you wanna do now?" i asked.
"shall we go to the car? you can come back to the van again tonight if you like." he offered.
"i'd have to ask my parents," i started, "but then again, my dad did say i'm old enough to make my own decisions."
"let's go back to the car and we can sort something out." he wrapped his arm around my neck and we started walking back. on the way, i spotted stacy and spencer making out in front of the photobooth.
"ew." frank and i grimaced.
"hey, is that your phone?" i asked, and frank reached for his mobile.
"it's pete, so i should probably answer." he sighed.
"don't be a dork, frankie."
"hey frank, are you still at the carnival with y/n?"
"we were just leaving, actually. why?"
"can you pick up some bread from the store?"
"fine. is it cool if y/n comes back to the van tonight?"
"fine by me. i'm sure the others wouldn't mind either. tell her i said hi."
"will do. see you in 20."
"pete says hi." frank nudged me.
"couldn't he just say that later?" i giggled.
"well, that's pete for you. come on, angel, you're freezing." frank smiled, and we finally got to the car.
"let me just call my mom."
"hey, mom?"
"hi honey, did you have fun?"
"loads of fun. actually, i was just wondering if i could go back and stay with frank tonight? i'll probably come back and get some stuff, then i'll go."
"well, it's fine with me. let me just ask your father."
"mom says it's fine. is it alright if we quickly pop back to my house so i can grab some stuff?"
"sure. we also have to go to the store. pete forgot to get bread."
"there's a shop across from my house. you could go while i get my stuff, if you want?"
"actually, last time i went into a shop, i was hassled by a bunch of 12 year-olds. can you come with me?" he asked.
"sure." i laughed.
"yes, mum?"
"your father says it's fine, as long as you don't start any funny business with him, if you know what i mean."
"i wasn't planning on sleeping with him, mom."
i heard frank make a sort of grunting noise to conceal a laugh.
"just making sure. see you in a little while."
"i can't believe my mother!" i laughed, and looked at frank.
"at least she's making sure." he shrugged and grinned.
"we should probably get going, or the shop's going to close." frank reached over to hold my hand, and i leaned back on the slightly reclined seat.
"you can take a nap if you're tired, baby. i mean-"
"no, i like it. real cute of you, frankie." i let my eyes sneak over to him, and he was smirking slightly. his eyes focused on the road and, as he drove, his hand maneuvered the steering wheel.
"don't stare at me, baby." he sighed with a smile.
"i'm not." i lied.
"i can feel you staring at me." he laughed quietly.
"whatever." i giggled, and my eyes rested on his hand. his tattoos were mesmerising, and i traced each and every one of them with my index finger.
"that tickles." he smiled, and shifted a little.
"but they're pretty." i pouted, and he allowed me to hold his hand again.


"we're almost here." i announced, and i glanced over at y/n. both of her hands held mine and a small smile graced her face. beautiful, even when she was asleep.
as i pulled onto the driveway outside her house, her mother came rushing outside.
"hello, frank. i'm y/n's mom." she smiled, and spoke energetically.
"hello, mrs y/l/n. i actually met your husband earlier. as you can see, y/n is sleeping and i'd hate to disturb her but i really have to go to the store, so i'm not really sure what to do, i-"
"no worries, i can get y/n's dad to go to the shop for you, and i'll pack her stuff. what exactly do you need?" her mom was so nice.
"actually, i only need bread, and i was going to get y/n something nice for breakfast tomorrow. any recommendations?" i asked hopefully. i wanted to surprise her.
"oh, her father can get something. i'll be right out. just give me five minutes." she grinned.
"will y/n's dad be okay with that?" i questioned. i didn't want to get in his bad books.
"he'll be fine. he practically lives there. i need milk and eggs anyway." she said, and went inside. y/n looked so peaceful. as i spotted y/n's dad leaving the house, i gestured that y/n was sleeping, and he came over.
"are you okay with doing this, sir? i'll give you the money if you give me a second."
"nonsense. as long as it's for my daughter, i'll do it. and as for the money, don't worry about it." he smiled, and i thanked him.
after a little while, y/n's mom came out with a backpack.
"that should be everything. that's her father coming back now. let me get you packed up and on your way. you look just as tired as y/n." she commented.
quiet as anything, she opened the back of the car and packed the backpack, bread and cereal, before closing it again.
"have a safe trip." y/n's dad waved us off, and my headlights illuminated the road.
"frankie?" y/n's soft voice caught my attention and i smiled to myself.
"yes baby?" i asked, and she gripped my hand a little.
"we're all sorted. your mom gave me your stuff and your dad got my bread. we're on the way back to the van now. okay?" i tried to keep her relaxed.
"okay, frankie." she sighed contentedly and nestled into the hood of my sweater.
"go back to sleep, baby." i whispered, and smiled as she gripped my hand.
the journey didn't seem as long as it was when i was leaving her, and that made me happy. however, when we got to the van, i realised that she would probably wake up from the bitter cold whether i carried her or not. deciding against waking her up, i got out and went around to her. she shuffled a little as i unbuckled her seatbelt, but she didn't move at all when i picked her up. now it was just a matter of getting her inside without any of the guys seeing.
"frank!" andy called out as the door swung open.
"shh! she's sleeping!" i hissed, and i carefully carried her into the van and through to my room. pete walked in as i lay her down on the sofa.
"here are the keys. go get all the stuff and lock up the car, will you, bud? i'm going to set up a bed for her." i whispered, and i handed pete my keys. he walked away quickly and i smiled at how content y/n looked.
"why'd you let go of me?" she whined sleepily.
"i'm sorry, baby, but i need to set up the sofa for you. we have more blankets now. apparently they were being used to make a fort in andy's room." i spoke softly.
"can't i just sleep with you?" she yawned, and i smiled.
"if you want to, but you need to get into your pyjamas." i placed a small kiss on her temple and walked outside to get her backpack from pete.
"thanks, dude. i owe you." i said, and grabbed y/n's backpack.
"y/n?" i called softly, and i walked into my room to see her sprawled across the sofa like a starfish. i sat next to her and nudged her a little.
"baby? you still have to get changed." i said as i stroked her hair.
"okay, frankie." she gave a tired smile and took her backpack into the bathroom with her. while she was gone, i removed my shirt and pants and put on some 'joker' pyjama pants.


i was still tired, but i smiled at the thought of frank and i. i took off frank's hoodie, and my shirt, bra and leggings. i'd already decided to wear my favourite pair of pyjama trousers, and i looked at my pyjama top, then frank's hoodie. pyjama top. hoodie. after about five minutes, i decided.
"baby, i know you like that hoodie, but-"
"our hoodie."
"okay, okay. but you have a pyjama shirt, right?"
"yes, but i don't like it." i smiled tiredly and frank came over and hugged me.
"come on,we should probably get you to bed before you pass out." frank gave me a boost onto his bunk and i sprawled out, taking up the entire mattress.
"hey, where am i supposed to sleep?" he asked.
"fine, i'll move." i shuffled over and frank climbed in next to me.
"i like the little birds that you have."
"the tattoos?"
"mhmm." i snuggled closer to frank and his arm wrapped around me.
"i like your neck too."
"thank you." he laughed quietly. the soothing feeling of his fingers in my hair relaxed me, and i buried my face into the crook of his neck.
"are you okay, baby?" he asked, barely above a whisper.
"yeah." i replied, and i reached up hug him.
"go to sleep, baby. i can tell you're tired." he whispered, and i smiled against his skin as i slowly relaxed into a deep sleep.


okay but i'm actually really enjoying writing this story so it might actually have some potential. i mean, chapters over 500 words? a miracle if they're coming from me.

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