|•| Part 17 |•|

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[somewhere like hill… there was beautiful scenario in front… annveer was on top of hill…. there was a big valley in front of them…. from that point all city was visible… the whole city was shining with different color's light… and above that place sky was glittering with twinkling stars & a very beautiful moon… which was casting his magic of brightness on this lovely pair of friends… both ranveer & annika was resting on the front side of his car… annika was lost in that beauty of nature.. & ranveer was staring her with plain look… finally he cleared his throat to break the trail of thoughts..in which annika was lost… annika came to this world again after listening to his voice… she immediately understood his state of mind…. she continued to look at that awesome nature.. but she was listening to ranveer]

ranveer : (with firm voice) annika it’s high time.. we have all proofs… no need to pretend marriage with daksh.. we can expose T&D… we r going right now & I’m gonna tell everything to oberoi’s…

annika : (in a very clam tone) nooo ranveer we can’t… so much happened today… they r already baffled by the sudden situations… this revelations r like disaster… let's give them some time to settle..

ranveer : (again with concern) annika u r right but think once… is it right to give them this shock on marriage day… all media.., business partners…, relatives will be present their.. this will create a big mess…

annika : i know ranveer… bahot bada raita failega par wo toh waise bhi hona hi hai… (i know it will create big mess but it’s gonna happen in any way..) tia is no. one cheepdi…
u don’t know her… if we exposed her in front of all then she will not be able to save herself.. and how much i know her i am sure she will definitely try to turn the situation in her favor… but if it happened in front of media then she will be helpless… she can harm any oberoi for her intentions & u know it very well.. we can’t afford it.. it’ll be safe if we do it in front of everyone..

ranveer : (in a very tensed tone) yeah i know… i mean now i got to know it after seeing that proofs… but i am worried for u more… it’s good u accepted daksh’s marriage proposal at least bcoz of this stalkers attack stopped but no need to continue it…. tomorrow everything will become fine… i am there to protect u but still i am afraid.. i can’t loose u on any cost… i have got my ishu back but she is not even accepting to know me.  i can’t afford to loose u… i can’t annika.. i can’t…..

annika : (smiled..) I know ranveer…

ranveer : (ranveer saw her smiling.. he was totally confused..) why r u smiling… here I am in tension…. & u r smiling…

annika : (she again replied still enjoying the scenery) yes i am smiling on myself….

ranveer : (very curiously) why..??

annika : (now she turned to face ranveer) u know i was angry on god bcoz He's always been unfair with me… he always gifted me with pain only…
when i came in this world he snatched my everything my parents… after that he landed me in that orphanage where surviving for one day is not less than any battle.. everyday i have to bear the torture.. but i was having full faith on him.. i was sure that he will answer my prayers definitely.. yes and he did it… one day one couple came there… they saw my condition they felt pity on me and they talked to management.. their was some problem in adoption hence orphanage people refused for adoption… i was left there again heart broken.. i was happy that i’ll also have family.., parents name.., love… but that dreams broke into pieces.. that night i fought with him i asked him why he is doing this.. i was small but didn’t backed off.. i sat there for whole night fighting with him… but to my surprise next day that couple again came there.. that man was determined to rescue me from that daily torture… and he succeeded in doing that.. he bribed them with some money and took me home… my first sweet home… my godparents showered their immense love on me.. i was really happy.. later god gifted them with little baby boy… ‘sahil’ i was so happy.. i was not having surname but i was gifted with most precious thing ‘family’. We were living peacefully.. but this was not liked by god… once again he gifted me pain.. he snatched my family…, my everything… Again i was left alone but this time sahil was with me.. then sundari bua came and made our life hell… i was fed up of this things… but i got to know one thing whatever it is i’ll be always gifted with pain only… once again i fought with him but for last time… i told him that he can do anything but i’ll not back off from this… I became fighter.. for myself…, for sahil…. & after that he did most painful thing of my life.. he gave an entry to shivaay singh oberoi in my life… after meeting him at the end of everyday i got gifted with pain…. i think he is partner of god… both wanted the same thing…. to broke me… to make me weak… they wanted my defeat… why… just bcoz i am the girl who was standing in front of them after their every attempt to broke me… this may have hurt their EGO.. (single tear rolled from her eye making a path on her cheek)

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