Chapter 2-Ashkit

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Ashkit watched as Dapplekit ran away, laughter glittering in her eyes. 

"Did you see the way she ran?" Ashkit asked, shaking with laughter. 

"That was so funny! She looked so scared!" Gingerkit leaned into Ashkit, shaking with laughter as well. 

"That's because Mommy's the best!" Briarkit snuggled into Skyfern's fur, who gave her a quick lick. Ashkit narrowed her eyes angrily. Briarkit was no doubt Skyfern's favourite. Ashkit was the strongest! She should be Skyfern's favourite!

"Skyfern! I'm having my kits! Get Blueblaze!" Ivytooth's howl called from the nursery and Skyfern rushed into the medicine cat den, leaving Briarkit staring after her.


At last, Ivytooth's kits had been born. 

"This is Brookkit." Ivytooth rested her muzzle on the light brown she-kit's head. "And Dustkit." The dark brown tom snuggled closer to Brookkit. 

"They're so cute!" Ashkit looked at them gently. 

"And not a runt either." Gingerkit gave a sideways glance at Dapplekit, who was watching from the entrance. 

"I don't care if they're runts or not. They're my kits and I love them all the same." Ivytooth said kindly.  

Ashkit rolled her eyes. She didn't want any runts when she had kits. That was if she decided to even have kits. 

"I think they look beautiful." Ashkit turned to see Dapplekit murmuring quietly. 

"Dapplekit! Get out! Ivytooth doesn't want you here!" Skyfern noticed Dapplekit, fury in her eyes. 

But just as Dapplekit opened her mouth to speak, Graystar called a clan meeting. 

"Cats of BranchClan! The time has come to make some new warriors and apprentices. Spottedtail, is Duskpaw ready to become a warrior?" Graystar asked the dark brown she-cat's mentor. 

"Yes. I am completely sure of it." The lean warrior mewed proudly. 

"Then Duskpaw, you will now be known as Duskfur!" The dark brown she-cat was sitting beside Mousepaw, puffing out her chest in pride. 

"Amberdawn, is Mousepaw ready to become a warrior?" 

"He has trained hard and I have made him into an amazing warrior of BranchClan. I'm sure he'll be amazing!" Amberdawn replied solemnly. 

"Then Mousepaw, you will not be known by that name anymore. You will be known as Mousefoot!" Graystar's voice rang across the clearing. 

"Duskfur, Mousefoot! Duskfur, Mousefoot!" The clan chanted as the new warriors smiled widely. 

"You will sit vigil for tonight. We also some new apprentices. Ashkit, Gingerkit, Briarkit and Dapplekit, come forward!" Ashkit led her sisters, walking forwards proudly. 

"Gingerkit, from now on you will be known as Gingerpaw until you earn your warrior name. Your mentor will be Mossyfall." Gingerpaw touched her nose to her new mentor, as Ashkit waited for her turn restlessly. 

"Briarkit, you will be known as Briarpaw and your mentor will be Gullclaw." 

"Ooh, Gullclaw. He's tough. I think Graystar wants to toughen up Briarpaw. She's too clingy to Skyfern. She needs to let go a bit." Ashkit heard Spottedtail whisper to Amberdawn. The dark gray she-cat nodded thoughtfully. 

"Dapplepaw, your mentor will be Tigersplash." Ashkit perked her ears up. Why did the weak runt get their father? He would probably hate having her as an apprentice. Ashkit should be his apprentice! 

"Ashpaw, your mentor will be Rapidstripe. Clan dismissed." Graystar leapt down from the gnarled branches of the Sacred Tree. 

Ashpaw walked beside her new mentor, trying to keep up with his long strides. She couldn't wait to start training!

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