Chapter 1-Dapplekit

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Dapplekit snuggled closer into Skyfern's fur. 

"Get out of the way, runt! Your siblings need more milk than you, weakling!" Skyfern growled, pushing Dapplekit away angrily. 

"Yeah, Mommy's right! I'm way stronger than you! I need way more milk to get stronger!" Ashkit, the strongest kit, said proudly as Dapplekit hissed in annoyance. 

"I only wanted to get warmer! I wasn't drinking any milk!" Dapplekit protested in anger. 

"You should die from the cold! You don't deserve to live! You won't live anyway." Gingerkit mewed, showing her tiny white teeth. 

"Go away, Dapplekit! You're disturbing your siblings! They need to sleep!" Skyfern snarled, pushing Dapplekit out of the nest. Dapplekit stomped away, pouting. It was their fault for yelling at her. They should be the ones getting all the blame. 

Dapplekit plopped down in the empty nest that had been Mossyfall's. There was still her stale scent. 

"You can come sleep with me, Dapplekit." Dapplekit turned to see gentle Ivytooth beckoning to her kindly. 

"Ivytooth! That runt will just cause you trouble. Leave her alone!" Skyfern snarled at the younger queen. 

"Alright, Skyfern." Ivytooth looked down guiltily, but not before Dapplekit saw the apologetic look she gave her. 

Dapplekit sighed and tried to make herself more comfortable in the crumbly bracken. 


Dapplekit shredded the moss-ball as it came towards her. 

"Why'd you do that?" Briarkit mewed, shocked. 

"Mommy! That runt shredded our moss-ball!" Ashkit ran to Skyfern, who stood up, her towering figure casting a shadow over Dapplekit. 

"Why did you do that, runt?!" Then without waiting for an answer, Skyfern swiped at Dapplekit's muzzle as the other kits stood watching with excitement. 

"Get out of my sight! I'm tired of you!" Dapplekit scurried away quickly, glancing back at Skyfern watching with glee. 

Someday, I'll show them that I'm the strongest and best warrior in the world! Dapplekit promised herself.

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